Caught in the act

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"My feet are killing me," I complained to Ryder. We were at his company's black and white attired Christmas party. Me being me had chosen to go all out in a sheer lace dress to be in the "spirit" of things. Although I know I looked good and from the glances of my boyfriend he seemed to agree with me, my feet which are adorning heels do not.

"Don't worry babe, we only have to be here for 30 more minutes then I can take you home and have my way with you." Ryder said, trying to get me out of my misery.

"I'm going to try to find Jess so she can entertain me while you're busy with your friends." I walked off looking for my perky best friend when I found her over by the stair case looking as bored as I felt. She noticed me approaching her and started to walk my way. She was wearing an emerald green dress that clung to her body that I have been jealous of for years now. She pulled off the dress so effortlessly and walked with so much confidence, it was no wonder everyone seemed drawn to her.

"Hey Sierra, how much longer do we have to be here? This party sorta sucks." She asked me.

"Well Ryder said we had another 30 minutes before he could leave so I ditched him to see if we could go find something interesting to do." I motioned over to the bar as the bartender went to the back room. She grinned at me as we both casually went over and stood around "waiting" for a drink. I looked to see if anyone was watching and when it was clear, she leaned behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Jack.

"Now lets go have some real fun." She winked.
We found an empty room upstairs and both took off our heels. I went and opened the balcony doors that viewed over the city and she went turned on the radio. I pulled my hair down from the tight bun it was woven in and made my way back over to her to take a drink out of the bottle. We danced and drank for what felt like hours when we finally calmed down and laid down on the bed. We took turns finishing off the rest of the bottle.

"Have you ever felt alone?" She asked me.

"What?" I turned to look at her. Her eyes started to water up as she flipped over and laid on her stomach. Her ass caught my attention as it stood out against the bed.

"I feel so alone all the time. Jackson is never home anymore and is always out partying with his friends. When I try to plan date nights with him, he always makes excuses not to be able to go." I leaned over and wiped her tears away that were slowly starting to fall.

"Honey you just need to talk to him and tell him how you feel. If he doesn't seem to want to work it out, then maybe it's best that you aren't together anymore. You need to do what makes you happy." I told her softly.

"Well you make me happy...." she trailed off. She stared at me for a minute before propping up and leaning over me.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"What makes me happy." She replies as she leaned down and placed her lips on mine. I froze not knowing what to do. I didn't know Jess was a lesbian. She's been dating Jackson for over 2 years now. She moved her lips slowly against mine and my eyes fluttered closed as I gave in.

She moved to fully straddle me as I moved my hands to her hips and then down to her ass. I felt her tongue traces my lips as her hand went down to my left boob. She massaged roughly as the kiss started to pick up. I moaned into her mouth and she took this chance to shove her tongue into my mouth and start moving hers with mine.

My hands went up and found the back of her dress and unzipped it so I could get a full view of her. She stopped kissing me to get off and pull her dress completely off. I stood up and didn't the same. As soon as I stepped out of mine, she pushed me back onto the bed and was back on me like we had never stopped. She pushed my bra straps down to give her a full view of my breasts. She gazed for a minute before leaning down and taking my right nipple into her mouth. I moaned loudly at the feeling and grabbed a fist full of her hair.

The door swung open, but she never stopped. I glanced over and saw Ryder standing in the doorway staring at us. He shut the door and made his way to the middle of the room.

"What are you doing Sierra?" He asked quietly.

"I'm sorry Ry I just got caught up and...." I trailed off as I pushed Jess off of me. Her hair was wild from me grabbing us and her lips were a throbbing red color.

"I didn't say you could stop." He said huskily. He pushed a chair up against the wall and took a seat. "Continue."

I just stared at him while Jess did not wait another minute. She was back on me again, kissing me like her life depended on it. She left my mouth and started trailing kisses down my neck, to my stomach, and above my pantie line. She paused and looked up at me. When I finally looked down, she winked at me and ripped my underwear off. The cold air hit my throbbing clit and made me shiver. She held my eye and she leaned down and flicked her tongue against me. I threw my head back as she continued to do this until she had me begging.

"Please Jess don't tease. Just give it to me." I pleaded. Her eyes turned a dark shade as she finally gave in. She laid her tongue flat against me and in on solid motion, licked me from top to bottom. My back arched off of the bed as my hands fisted her hair. She continued to torcher me as she applied more pressure to my clit and started to move in circles. She added a finger inside of me and started to pump slowly.

My head fell over to the slide as I was trying to catch my breath and I see Ryder over in the chair with his slacks undone, massaging himself, watching us. I caught his eye and threw my head back as she cuddled her finger and hit a certain spot that almost threw me over the edge.

"Ryder," I moaned out. He threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. He quickly stood up and moved himself over towards us. He pulled Jess off of me and said, "I can't do this. Jess you gotta go."

She looked at the state I was in and then looked him over and smirked. She picked up her dress and put it back on while glancing over at me. "Have a good time. I know I did." She said seductively and walked out. I looked over at Ryder and saw him stripping away the rest of his suit all while staring hungrily at me. I slowly propped up on my elbows to look at him.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked quietly. I didn't know what came over me to let Jess do that to me, but I wasn't mad at her at all.

"Yes. I'm mad that she had you moaning when I'm the only person that has the privilege of hearing you do that." He grunted as he climbed over me. I laid back down and gazed up at him.

"Well what are you gonna do about it? Are you gonna let her show you up? Or are you gonna show out?" I whispered in his ear as I roughly grabbed his curly hair and he fucked me into oblivion.

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