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"I don't know their name, or what they looks like, but I've been talking to them for a few days now," Jimin tapped the sides of his mug with his fingertips. "But I just feel so safe and happy whenever we write to each other."

"Mmhmm," Jungkook swallowed. "What do you both talk about?"

"Well, when I first wrote in the journal, I wrote about how my life hasn't been too great, and how I have no money...he gave me $255."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Damn."

"I know," Jimin chuckled. "I'm so grateful for them. I bought myself some stuff from the thrift store down the street with $20, but other than that, I've been paying bills."

"Good for you, Jimin," Jungkook smiled. "That's a good choice."

Jimin smiled shyly and looked down at his coffee. "I wanna keep talking to them. I just want their attention."

"Then keep talking to them." Jungkook responded.

"Yoongi-hyung thinks it's not safe, since I don't know them," Jimin sighed. "I just wanna see them, or talk to them face-to-face. I wanna show them how much they mean to me."

Jungkook knows a thing or two about love, since he's been dating Taehyung for a few years now.

Maybe Taehyung's the reason why Jungkook became a ghost in my life.

In just a few hours would be Jimin's deadline for his poetry book. He needs to finish it today. That's his number one priority. He won't leave his apartment until he finishes it. He just needs to write a few more pages, add acknowledgements, and he'll be set.

One poem can't hurt.

Jimin had had an idea to write a poem for the anonymous writer in his journal, and put it into his book too, as a bonus. It'll get things done, and hopefully, will make the writer happy. Once he was done, he copied all of the words from his poem into his journal and wrote a note at the bottom.

" I wrote this for you. I'm not sure if you'll like it, but it's worth a shot. "

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