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Hours later, he checked for a response. He flipped through the pages one by one carefully, making sure he wouldn't tear one. He finally reached the most recent page, and looked for the usual red ink. He found a passage and found himself smiling already.

" Why, Jimin, this is so, so sweet of you. Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you for spending your time on such a beautiful piece like this? You have such a good soul. I can tell that you've never ever hurt anyone before. You mean the world to me."

Jimin immediately reaches for the phone yet again and dials the same number.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered.

"Oh, Jungkook," Jimin paused. "I think I'm in love."

The next few days were a blur. All Jimin could think about was that one writer. They would talk daily now. Jimin still doesn't know any information about this person. But all he wants in the world is to meet them and talk to them and know them.

Jimin picked up his black pen and wrote quickly.

" Hey, listen. I barely know anything about you. But honestly, I think I have feelings for you. I don't know how, but lately, I just can't stop thinking about you. You make me feel safe. You make me feel happy. You make me feel appreciated. I haven't felt like this in a long time."

He quickly shut the journal after placing the red ribbon in the spine when he finished writing. He was embarrassed and wasn't sure of what the writer would think of him.

Please don't hate me, please don't hate me, please don't hate me.

Everyday since then, Jimin would check the journal every time he woke up, and right before he slept. And every time, there would be no red ink on the page.

He became stressed.

"I messed up," he cried. "Jungkook, I don't-...I don't know what to do!"

Hot, salty tears stream down his cheeks from his waterline. And every time, all Jungkook could do was hug him and wipe his tears.

red ribbon : yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now