Work. (2)

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Hey! I wont waste much time lets jump right in. If you like this ff so far please share it with your buds! Have a good day babes.
My eyes stung as i lent over my bed to flip on the lights. Without a lick of sleep my tired bones ached as i dragged my limp body out of bed. Showering quickly and slipping on an easy outfit i fiddled with my hair before slipping on shoes and grabbing my phone. My eyes focused on the dresser for a moment before my hand shot for my earbuds. In they went and escape began.

"The manual, by eddy kim" my lips curved into a faint smile. My feet shuffled down the apartment stairs as my mood brightened contrary to my nearly dead state. I walked down the street with a rhythm in my step similar to the song echoing in my ears. The hop in my step seemed to bother others around me but i didn't care. Soon i found myself at the nearest train station. It wasn't long before it pulled up, one earbud yanked out of my ear with my own hands force. "3.000 won sir." The driver groaned as if he had repeated the same fraise 100 times today. I shot him a warm smile as i felt my eyes disappearing and handed him the cash. The mans mood seemed to lighten as i made my way to the back and sat down. I glanced around , a metro train. Great, todays ride would ne quiet and sanitary. A breath left my lips as i relaxed in my seat and closed my eyes sinking into the music. A little disconnect was never bad. Soon i felt a hand shake my shoulder. The bus driver.
Last stop.

I panicked "uh- thank you.." i stammered jumping off the bus calling an uber quickly "shit. shit. shit. Shes gonna kill me." The other line picked up "Yes hello? Is there anyway you can get me to seoul sky dome within the next 20 minutes. Huh? Yes this is him. You can!? Thank you.."

The uber driver picked me up and after what felt like an eternity the ride ended. I thanked him and payed him before rushing inside the back staff door.

There she was arms crossed "5 minutes late again mr.park?" I showed her a faulty smile "seolhyun~" she rolled her eyes with the attitude of a fox. I clenched a fist, this woman gets on my nerves. "The big guns are coming in tonight we need all the tech superb before 5pm, the setlist is in your office. "Who is it?" I asked hesitantly. I worked at seoul sky dome as the concerts tech specialist, which ment i could meet tons of big league artists , if i had a bigger role. I just got to watch from afar. 20,000 won an hour (20 usd) wasn't nearly what i should earn but its the best I've got.

"You'll see." She turned on her heel and left. That was my manager and big boss SeolHyun. I glanced over the clipboard. "Oh?" A Chinese artist. Kris wu. Id heard a few songs before. The guy was pretty good, must have a big fan base to have sold out tonight. Regardless of my opinions i needed to get to work and set up. Although it took hours i was finally done. And everything was to princess seolhyuns liking. Ususally my hours only required i work 9-5 but i would often stay to check out the concert since it was a free perk. I got the helper job of walking around and helping people find their seats aswell which meant i get to know the fans and what everything was about.

By the time i got out it was nearly 1am i nearly passed out in the uber home. The driver politely woke me and i apologized paying him and leaving. I opened my apartment door. I woman id never seen before stood before me. My eyes widened as i stumbled back.

Authors note: Haha! Bet you didn't expect that! Sorry this is so boring , just a filler chapter to give some context to the story.

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