Chapter 2

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Last Chapter :

"What is it, I'm working."

"They promised me not to tell you, but I have to."


"They have Hazel."

This Chapter:

"You got to be kidding me." I said

"Nope." I hung up

"I have to go, I'll come back tomorrow." I said and walked really fast and drove to my moms.


"What are you b**ching about this time." Emma said

"Wheres mom and dad."

"Living room." I walked to the living room and I seen my little baby girl. I go pick her up, I set her in her car seat.

"You three kitchen table now, you guys table now." I said

"What now." Callie says

"Shut your mouth Callie, everyone sit and listen to my side of the story. Kevin you to." I said and looked at Hazel, I smiled.

"Ok, so everyone knows Zack's side of the story, right." I said they shook there heads

"Yeah, he got some right, he did, but he also got some wrong. Zack and I were fighting way before we found out I was pregnant. We were in money trouble and it wasn't getting better. So when we found out I was pregnant, we tried to stop fighting but it didn't work, money was getting worse and we were about to loose our house and at this hole time you guys were planning a baby shower, that we didn't even want." I said and I started to rock hazel back and fourth in her carseat.

"Why didn't you just ask for help." Jake asks

"I couldn't, I'll get there and you'll figure out why mom, dad, Callie, and Emma hate me so much." I said

"I started to pick up more shift at my office and he picked more up at the office too. Yes, I was helping Riley. I went to meet up with him at CJ's, since i had a doctor visit around there and I got his tests back. I told him the news and its not news everyone wants to hear, so I gave him a hug to comfort him. Callie and mom walk by and before I could stop Callie was on the phone with Emma. I went to my visit found I was having a girl and I couldn't work at the office anymore so I started to work from home. Zack and I managed to get money off the ground a little bit but was falling horribly. Then we went to a family dinner, Callie and mom with there huge mouths blurted out that I was cheating on Zack and it turned horribly. When we got home, you know what he said to me." I said looking at them with tears forcing in my eyes, they stayed quiet

"I tired to manage your big mouth family, I really did Brooke. I tried, but they can't keep a secret and I know your not cheating on me. I am and I was going to tell you, I really was, but I can't anymore. You can raise the child on your own, I'm supper sorry.' he said and my response back was the worst it could of been, the worst. 'So my family thinks I was cheating on you, and this Hoel time you were cheating on me, now were not together, there going to think I definitely did cheat on you, but I'll keep your secret if you won't tell my parents or anyone in my family at that matter.' I said. Guess what he told them. He told them the thing I didn't want any of you to know." I said and I had tears, my phone started to ring.

"Hello Dr. Hunter, how may I help you."

"Dr. Hunter, I know its late, and your probably busy with your family but Riley had two more seizure since you left, we took another brain scan, I'll fax it over to you know."

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