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Having the whole week past they were leaving.Packed and ready they drove to the airport to go to the UK where Linsey basically spent most o f her life there.It was seven in the morning and they were all worn out except Calum and Ashton of course.They were jumping up and down,doing keeks,singing annoying songs,and basically being aggravating little shits."Don't stop believing!"Yelled Calum in the airport.Causing everyone to stare at the five people.They were noticed by a few people but that was all.Linsey had the headache that was the size of a elephant,Luke was his cranky self in the morning,and Michael was just quiet wanting to sleep.

"Shut the fuck up Calum,I have a headache."Linsey snapped at him."God!Someone's cranky."Ashton joked.

"I am when I have a headache the size of your head."Linsey hissed."That was rude!My head isn't that big."Ashton whined touching it as Calum laughed hysterically.

"Good one Linsey."Calum held up his hand to high-five him but she got up and walked three rows of seats away from them."Linsey why did you leave?"He whined like he was four years old.

"Because I don't know you."She yelled to them smirking.That's when on the speakers said the plane was boarding.First class was where the band was.She was walking next to Luke on one side and Michael on the other when Ashton and Calum were skipping to the area."Aren't you guys excited?I am."Calum squealed as if he was a little toddler going to the park.

"Yeah I will be when I get sleep."Linsey said with no feeling.Calum rolled his eyes as they got on the plane and Linsey sat by the sleepy bunch and Calum and Ashton sat behind them.Quickly falling asleep she put her head on Luke's shoulder falling asleep.He thought she was cute falling asleep on him and before he knew he had his head laid on hers.Going into a deep sleep cutely.


"Linsey!Linsey!Luke!Luke!"Calum and Ashton yelled.She opened her eyes and noticed how they were sleeping quickly getting up and shaking Luke up.Finally waking up they left the plane and followed the two,big security guards into the black SUV.Getting to a five star hotel.They had two rooms for them and Calum and Luke decided to take the room with Linsey as Ashton and Michael got the other.It was the breathtaking,maybe even quite better than there own apartment."Wow it is amazing in here."Linsey awed.The two boys thought it was cute.To see Linsey amazed.She dropped her stuff and ran to bed to lay down.

"God I love this."She shouted making Calum and Luke jump with her.After just staying there for a good five minutes not saying one word she finally sat up."What are we singing for the concert tomorrow?"Luke shrugged saying:

"Maybe heartbreak girl,try hard,and maybe some covers."She nodded as she announced she was taking a shower to get changed.Quickly getting in and out she changed into a Green Day shirt and her black,ripped jeans and putting on her all black converses.Adding a beanie to the bunch she was fine.Putting on some makeup and straightening her hair.She wasn't going to sit in her hotel forever.

"Hey you guys want to make a keek?"Linsey asked as they nodded.Taking out her new phone after she broke the other one that she threw at the wall due to her mother."Hey guys.Linsey here,Luke and Calum.We are in our hotel room at London,England.My home town.I lived in a house right by a little pond and it was white.I will never forget it."She smiled.Giving it to Luke he told them about the concert and what they needed to know as Calum and Linsey fooled around.

Throwing pillows,flicking and poking,and Calum's favorite holding her down in a hug."Calum let go I can't breathe."Linsey laughed.He chuckled as he let loose of his grip.She laughed again and that's when she back fired being a ninja and flipping him around and straddling him.Now she had him in her grip.But to be totally honest Calum got a little excited with Linsey on top of him.Leaving the bulge in his jeans pointing out."Oh my god Calum I didn't mean to do that."She laughed and grinned blushing.He tried to smile but his face was so red.Excusing himself he went to bathroom leaving Luke and Linsey laughing uncontrollably.

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