Chapter One

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Chapter One

Someone dropped a blanket around my shoulders, helped me up out of the snow, then to the cabin where I was immediately plunked into the bath to get the blood off.

I sat alone in the tub, occasionally draining it halfway and filling it backup with warmer water. No one was brave enough to come in after whoever put me in here left. Figuring that out seemed like the least of my worries.

I stared out the window, watching the occasional burst of wind move the tree outside. That was calm.

That was ok.

That felt real.

Everything else--didn't.

What happened during the past hour stayed at the forefront of my mind, reminding me what happened but I didn't want to think about it.

I just wanted to sleep.


But I'd hit the point where sleep wouldn't come even if I got out of the tub and tried.

The door opened but I didn't bother looking over, the trees were more interesting.

Whoever they sent would say their peace and then hopefully leave me alone. I'm sure the Phillies two had plenty to say, explain but--

But they didn't say anything. Instead the someone walked over and sat down on the floor across from me, leaning back against the wall. Bunking down, planning on staying with me.

The only person who had that much patience was Luke, who I assumed finally joined the party since he was with Michael when I called earlier.

Was that really earlier?

The same day?

Why did it feel like it was years ago?

"Jon called him the piece," I said after a while. "The piece." Like he was one unit in the bigger picture. A picture I didn't see until now. "Piece." A pause. "Like a pawn but worse. Pawns."

"Jon has a way of seeing things the rest of us can't."


I lapsed back to silence.

Luke didn't mind. He stared out the window too.


I didn't say anything as I got out of the tub.

As I got dressed.

As I braided my hair.

Put on my boots.

Headed downstairs with Luke following a comfortable distance behind. Aleksei stood over by the fireplace, a glass of amber liquid sat on the mantel in front of him.

Anger rolled through me at the sight of him and I had to check my urge to try to kill him.

Gregori sat on the couch, turning a matching glass round and round, lost in thought.

Thankfully both of them had cleaned up and I didn't have to see them drenched in my blood.

Michael was--not down here.

But he wasn't far.

It would void the agreement.

Yet another fucking agreement.

Both of them looked up as I came down and I waited til the last minute to decide if I actually wanted to talk to them.

What exactly was I supposed to say?

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