Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


Hank got back to me about the appointment with my lawyer. He set it up for tomorrow when I had a small, small window open in my schedule. I'd need to have all the changes and everything I wanted to address ready to go when he got here.

The second Luke came through my door, I let him know when to be here and for how long.

"You know, I'm technically supposed to be spending time with you, not Michael."

"Then why do you keep staying there? This city has this wonderful thing called mass transit and Michael even has a car service."

"Don't be a smart ass." He took a look at all the shit scattered around. "Diving back in I see."

"No better remedy."

"So I've been told. However, it's time to put away the SC version of you so we can go eat dinner in front of two Vampires."

The smile on his face was so fake, I wanted to cringe but laughed instead. "You sound so excited."

"You signed us up for this."

"More like Jon forced me to agree."

"Hm. He did mention the fun you two had earlier."

I put my pen down and sat back. "I wouldn't call it fun, at least on my part. Jon, on the other hand, probably had a ball."

"He came back looking like a fat cat who finally caught the mouse."

"Glad I could help with his daily dose of entertainment."

"Pretty sure you are his new, old favorite person."

"Which is what I've always aspired to be."

"Considering he doesn't like people in general?"

"Why is it an innumerable amount of people don't like other people? Is it the hip thing to do now or?"

"It's an epidemic." He looked at all the crap again. "Ready?"

I took inventory of everything I managed to get through and everything else still left to do—and nodded.

"Yeah. What are they watching us eat?"

"Food and if I know Michael, which I do, it'll be something you'll either like or despise."

"I swear to God if it's tasteless foam or tofu, I'll kill him."

Luke smirked. "He's not that sophisticated."

I frowned and decided to just ask.

What are you feeding us for dinner?

That's a good question.

Do you have an answer?


Can you give it to me?

You don't want it to be a surprise?

Would I be asking if I wanted it to be a surprise?

Food. You will consume food.

Like—fried food? Sushi—wait, I can't have sushi. Salad? It better not be fucking salad.

Georgiana, I still know your food choices. I won't serve you salad unless I wanted you to murder me.

So—pasta?Pasta sounded fantastic.

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