Chapter 1

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The world tournament came in every year, this year was a little different though. Usually it was sunny and warm outside but today it was cold and rainy. I wrapped the cloak around my head and body, walking to the ring. "Ladies and gentlemen, it may be raining but that isn't going to stop us! Up now is Y/n and Bardock." The announcer shouted, I watched a male emerge from the foggy stadium. Rain came down quick, he walked up to me and stopped. "Are you going to take that off?" I shook my head and he just backed off. "Fight!" The announcer shouted, he charged at me quickly as I jumped back and charged back. I drove my shoulder into his stomach as I grabbed onto his waist, I could feel the wind being knocked out of him. I let go and he started throwing ki at me as I ran around the stadium, dodging them. People laughed, a smirk appeared on his face. I then took my advantage and ran through the blast smoke and used all of my power, I hit him in the face and chest. I did a back flip and flew feet first into his chest, he fell to the ground and was knocked out. People cheered as he groaned and shifted. I bent down to help him up, "you alright?" He smiled and chuckled. "Never thought a girl could beat me, you sure you're a girl?" I giggled and nodded, he took my hand and stood up. "Say, since you won, how about I have the winners phone number. A little reward for winning and beating me up." He was nudging and trying to play it cool. "And what if you don't get it?" He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "At least I tried," I shook my head with a smiled and gave him my number, writing it on his arm with the pens tournament supplies for sign ups. He smiled and inspected it, happy with the writing. I saw four men approaching us, three of them looked exactly like Bardock. They stood right beside us and the tall one crossed his arms. "And who is this?" He cocked a brow at me, didn't seem too thrilled to see me. "This is Y/n Raditz, be nice to her, same goes for you Black, Kakarot and Turles." They just mumbled and Bardock nodded at me, "I'll see you later tonight, I'll pick you up at 6." I smiled and nodded, leaving the group to go home. I had won tournament and Bardock came in second place. I stopped by the entrance to claim my medal, I looked at it and took it home.

It took me a half hour to get home, about the time I got home, it was three o'clock. I got clean clothes and got in the shower, cleaning all of the dirt and sweat off. I sat and watched TV for a while until he called me. "Hey it's Bardock, you ready?" I laughed, "yes I am." He smiled, "alright, I need your address so I can come and get you." I gave him my address and hung up, waiting to hear the car horn. After ten minutes, there was the car horn and I walked outside with everything I need. I didn't expect to see the other four males in the back seat.

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