Chapter Four

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"H-huh?" I stuttered. Justin's hazel eyes stared back at me in confusion and I reciprocated his look. I dropped my pointer finger down and my hands settled back down at my sides.

"Ms. Flores, sit down now unless you want to show our new student to detention after school," Ms. Han scolded.

Still utterly confused, I obliged to her request, "Yes, Ms. Han." I hesitantly sat down, keeping my eyes on Justin.

Ms. Han glared at me before she continued. "Why don't you introduce yourself, Justin? Though some students already know your name." She sent me another knowing look and I shrunk down into my seat.

Justin sent the class an award winning smile and I could practically hear the girls moan under their breaths.

"Hi everyone, I'm uh Justin Zalenski. I just transferred to this school and I now work at the local pancake house near the school." He looked back at me for a split second then drew his attention back to the teacher.

"Okay then. You can sit behind Ariela. I'm sure you know her," she scowled. "Ariela, raise your hand please." I obliged and raised my hand weakly as Justin came over and sat in the empty seat behind me.

"And since you are so friendly with each other, why don't you show him around the school, Ms. Flores?" Ms. Han pried. I nodded with an awkward smile on my face as everyone's attention went back on the lesson plan.

I looked out of the corner of my eye to Jeremiah's direction. His lips with pressed into a straight line and his eyes were stone and cold. He caught me staring and his eyes didn't change back like they usually do when he saw me.

I felt something tap on my shoulder but I ignored it. A couple minutes later while I was taking notes, something else tapped my shoulder. I turned back in my chair only to see Justin's face.

"What do you want?" I whisper screamed. He gave me an amused smile and didn't say anything. Already annoyed, I turned back and tried to focus on the notes about logarithmic functions on the board.

Yet again, my shoulder was tapped a couple minutes before the end of the period. I sighed in annoyance as I, once again, turned back. "What the fuck do you want?" I lashed out, making sure to keep my voice down. His eyes had a mischievous glint as he smiled softly at me. He opened his mouth and was about to speak when Ms.Han furiously yelled.

"Zalenski, Flores! Detention after school!" she angrily stated. My breath hitched and I heard my fellow classmates snicker under their breaths, including Jeremiah.

Heat made its way to my cheeks as the embarrasment rolled into my bloodstream. I turned back to Justin, who might I add was also laughing, and stared daggers at him. He simply winked and my face turned bright red again, whether it was how attractive he looked or just pure anger running through me.


I walked out of class with Jeremiah, who was cackling like a seagull eating a straw hat.

"He.. got.. you.. the.. first.. deten.. tion.. of.. your.. life!" He exhaled hysterically in between breaths.

I smacked his arm in frustration and walked ahead of him. I heard loud footsteps from behind me, expecting Jeremiah. A muscular arm draped over my shoulders and I turned my head, expecting to see my infuriating best friend.

But I only saw Justin Zalenski, the boy who got me detention.

I sighed and shrugged his arm off my shoulders and turned to him, arms crossed.

"What do you want?" I interrogated. He chuckled deeply and smiled sweetly, like he didn't just get me in trouble.

"Awe, are you butthurt that you got detention? It wasn't my fault anyway, you were the one who kept turning around," he implied.

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