Chapter Five

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Four games of Speed later, Justin and I were tied. Halfway through our fifth game, I was about to win with three more cards in my hand and Justin with five. I swiftly placed down two of my cards on the corresponding numbers, but Justin put three cards down on mine.

We made eye contact, signaling that neither of us had a match. I flipped my card. He flipped his.

I saw the two of diamonds which was the card I needed to win. I was about to put my ace of hearts down but I felt a weird sensation on my leg.

A hand.

Justin's hand.

I stiffened at the feeling of him resting his hand on my leg from under the table. He then took his fingernail and grazed my leg slowly and softly. It felt like he left a tingly trail from where his fingernail rested.

The next thing I heard was, "Speed." I looked up to see that Justin placed his remaining two cards onto the pile. My eyes widened as I started putting the pieces together. It was just a distraction. I sighed in relief that it was just a distraction, but was furious that he did it in the first place.

"You cheated!" I exclaimed, earning me a look from the teacher. Oh right, we're still in detention

"I don't know what you mean, sweetheart," he smirked. He took the cards out of my hands and started to straighten them out. My head fumed at his denial but I took a seat anyway, hoping not to cause anymore disruption.

"Up for another game?" he asked, shuffling the deck. I shook my head and yawned.

"No thanks, I'm not in the mood," I said dazed. My eyelids started feeling heavy, though they were opened long enough to see Justin scoot his chair over to mine.

Then everything went black.


My eyes fluttered open when I felt a little poke on my shoulder. I winced at the light and rubbed my eyes. When I looked around me, I saw Justin's face and suddenly realized I was laying my head on his shoulder.

I immediately straightened myself and apologized, "I'm sorry." He chuckled and reassured me that it was fine. I looked at the clock and read '5:23'. I suddenly remembered that suspicious text my mom sent me.

I looked around to see none of the other kids and teacher. "Is detention over?" I asked anxiously. Justin cocked his head to the side in confusion but still answered. "Yeah, just five minutes ago."

At that news, I grabbed my messenger bag and turned back to Justin, "Can you give me a ride home?" He smiled and easily accepted.

In Justin's car, I called Jeremiah frantically. He picked up immediately, "I told my mom, we put on our best clothes don't worry." I smiled at his worry and I caught Justin's glance.

"I still have to get ready, Jere. Make sure Auntie Gray brings here famous meatloaf my parents love," I bossed. I heard him laugh as he replied, "Already have one in the oven."

I smiled, my face feeling flustered, as we hung up with our goodbyes.

"Why're you so frantic?" Justin asked, pulling into my driveway.

I opened the door and responded as I was getting out, "My parents are coming home. Thanks for the ride, bye bye!"

Without sparing another look at Justin, I unlocked my front door and ran into the house. I almost slipped while running to get the cleaning supplies and sponges.

I scrubbed counters, floors, and everything else that could be cleaned.

With maybe about a hour until my parents arrived, I hopped into the shower to wash up.


My parents have always had high expectations for everything. They wanted everything to be perfect - their house, their friends, and their daughter.

It's hard, it really is. For half of my life, they've always been overseas or gone out on business trips. I've learned to take care of myself. I'm used to it.

With this sudden visit and the warning for important news, It's worrying.

I'm sure it's fine though, right?"


I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I blow dried my hair and let it rest on my shoulders, waiting to style it later.

I looked through my closet and put on fresh undergarments, and then digging through my closet to find my dark blue off the shoulder dress with a firework-like design formed by sequins. I paired it with my pair of black strappy heels I got from Serenity last Christmas. 

I slipped on my dress and shoes and went back into the bathroom to style my hair.

A lot of bobby pins later, I finally had the perfect hairstyle to fit my perfect persona for tonight. It was a half up and a half down hairstyle with little ringlet curls.

I double checked my outfit, hair, and makeup for tonight making sure my parents would approve.

A few minutes before the scheduled time my parents would show up, the doorbell rang.

I carefully walked down the stairs in my heels and opened the door, revealing a really handsome Jeremiah and his beautiful mom. I eyed Jeremiah up and down looking at his white button up to his black slacks. He chuckled when he noticed my actions and I tore my eyes away to look at his mom. Her navy blue dress fit her perfectly, she was beautiful as always.

I welcomed them into the house and they complimented me as I did them. "Wow El, you clean up nice," Jeremiah smirked, which made my face heat up and get flustered. "He's right, Ariela. You look stunning!" Auntie Gray seconded.

I gushed and took the tray of deliciousness from her hands and put it in a platter, laying it among other foods I cooked.

Auntie Gray leaned in my direction and I gave her my ear. "No matter what happens tonight, remember we are always here," she whispered. I gave her a grateful smile and hugged her from the side.

Auntie Gray - Jackie Gray to some - was probably more of my mom then my own. My mom met Auntie Gray the day I was born, a few hours before Jeremiah was born, they bonded in the hospital. But when my mom was released from the hospital with me, she went straight back to work, leaving baby-me to Auntie Jackie.

She played with me, fed me, and was the major reason Jeremiah and I became the best of friends we are today. While my parents were gone and sent money from who knows where.

My favorite memory with Auntie Gray was when I was eight years old and she bought me a whole bunch of clothes. That day we had a pretty in pink fashion show in their backyard, with a young Jeremiah gagging at the sight of his best friend in a pink bathing suit.

A small smile made its way onto my lips as I replayed the memory in my mind. With the three us waiting patiently at the dining table, my train of thought was disrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Though it was their house, my parents always doorbelled.

My head perked up and ran to the door, tripping with my heels. I fell to the floor with a loud thud and my hand immediately went to my ankle. Jeremiah rushed over, dropping his knees to the ground next to me. He looked down to me grazing his hand over mine, the one on the ankle.

Tingles rushed through me at the feel of his skin on mine and my face blushed immensely.

"You okay, El?" Jeremiah asked and I just nodded as he helped me get to my feet. Brushing myself off and pushing my feelings aside, I stood in front of the door. Bracing myself, I opened the door and saw a man and a woman.

The woman looked tired in her dark red laced dress and black stilettos, her bobbed brown hair framing her furrowed face.

The man also looked weary in his modern black suit and tie.

"Marie," The lady said in a monotone voice.


A/N - This chapter is me trying to reach the word count on an essay -_-

Short Chapter.

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