Lawyer And Date

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After I got home, I looked at the clock and saw it was only 5:30pm, I decided to get dressed and doll up a bit. I put my hair in a loose sideways braid, putting on some light makeup and painting my nails wine red. I texted Ashley letting her know I was going out and wouldn't be home until late. I made sure Perry, Ashley's cat, was fed and left for the closest and fanciest bar I could find.

I walked inside, sitting down at the bar and taking my jacket off. The bartender came over, asked me what I wanted and then asked to see my ID. I looked at him with an annoyed expression, opened my wallet and showed him my ID.

"You can't be 22." The barkeep said, I put my wallet back in my jacket, raising an eyebrow at him.

"And why's that?" I asked, taking a sip of my Jack Daniels.

"Cuz you're way too hot." He winked at me, I flipped him off.

"I don't date assholes, so don't flirt with me." I snapped at him, he muttered 'bitch' under his breath and walked away.

"A woman after my own heart." A voice said beside me, I looked to see a man with green eyes and dark brown hair. I looked him up and down and smiled at his polka-dotted suspenders, I looked him in the eyes and blushed.

"Care to join me?" I asked him, motioning to the chair beside me, he smirked and sat down beside me. "I'm Mackenzie Clark." I stuck out my hand, he gently grabbed it and kissed the back of my hand.

"Rafael Barba, pleasure, Miss Clark." He winked at me, I blushed again. "So, I haven't you here before, are you knew or just visiting?"

"I actually just moved back to New York yesterday after ten years." I told him, he nodded, understandingly.

"What made you move away in the first place, if you don't mind me asking?" Rafael asked, I lightly shook my head and looked him in the eyes.

"Have you ever herd of Emily Clark?" He nodded. "Well, she was my mother. I was 12 years old when she hung herself, I lived with my aunt for three months, until Social Services came into her precinct with my grandparents and moved me to Ireland. Where I've been for the past ten years, finally I told myself I want to go home. Well, New York is my, and will forever be, my home." I then laughed, he looked at me with a weird expression on his face. "I'm sorry, I just poured my heart out into a total stranger and I think I scared you."

"No, not at all. My job is to listen to people." He said, I looked at him and bit my lip. 'God he's so hot!' "I work as an ADA, for the 16th precinct." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, SVU 16th precinct? Lieutenant Olivia Benson?" I asked, sitting up in my chair.

"Yes, why?" Worry in his voice.

"Olivia Benson is my Aunt." I said, we both stared at each other shocked, then we started laughing.

"Well, that is quite an coincidence, Miss Clark." He said, I giggled and nodded.

"Yes it is, and call me 'Mackenzie' or 'Mack'. Doesn't really matter to me." I told him, he nodded and ordered more drinks for us.

"I know we just met but, how about a date tomorrow night? We can discuss how stubborn your Aunt is." I laughed, making him smile.

"Sure, and just to let you know, I'm just as stubborn as she is, Mr. Barba." I poked his chest, making him smirk.

"Rafael, please. Let's say 9? Here?" He asked, I nodded.

"Sounds like a date." I said, I then looked at the clock and saw it was 8, I sighed and paid my tab. "I have to go home, I'm going job hunting tomorrow." I stood up, he stood up as well, pushing my chair in for me.

"Let me walk you home, it is rather late." Rafael said, I nodded, linking our arms and both of us walking out of the bar. We talked all the way to my Brownstone, which was a good fifteen minutes. We walked up the stairs, I unlocked my door and looked back at him. Before he could say anything, I lightly pecked his lips, catching him off guard.

"I'll see you tomorrow night, Suspenders." I winked at him, giggling at his goofy smile and closing the door. I watched as he walked down the stairs, he looked at the window and blew me a kiss, that sexy smirk on his lips. I closed the curtains, walked to my room and fell backwards on my bed, looking up at the ceiling and squealing like a school girl.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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