Chapter 9

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Jayla P.O.V 

So the doctor just said that me and Diggy would be cute together 

Dig: We would make a cute couple huh ? 

Me: *laughs* I mean im not going to deny it so yeah we would make a cute couple .. *Smiling looking at Diggy*

then spin interupts are moment saying 

Spin: Me and roger are going to get something to eat coo .. 

Me and Dig; ight .. Bye 


1 hour later 

The nurse just came in and told you your about to get surgery done and Diggy is going to go handle some business he will be back before surgery is done .. 

Diggy P.O.V 

Me And Spin and Roger and Perry are about to find this boy that messed with Jayla .. i Know people in houson that told me about that guys malik .. So we about to role up at his house and show in never mess with my friends .. 

Spin: Which house is it Dig ?

Dig: That point *points to one of the house 

Tyco pulls up to the house and me and rogeer and spin and perry get out .. I walk yp to the door and knock on it . 

?: Who is it ? 

Dig: Diggy Simmons .. is Malik here ? 

Who ever was talking open the door !!!!!!

?: Yeahn hold up let me go get em ..

The man goes and get Malik and he just came outside ..

M: Ohhhhhh Pretty boy is here ..

I get straight to the point i knock him in the face .. Then the man that answered the door punched spin in the face so at this point were all fighting more people come out and im beating up Malik he got a few licks in ...All the boys are on the ground and me spin , roger and perry are all looking at them then i say

Dig: Now Malik if you mess with Jayla again tis won't be the only problem you have

We all get in the van and pull off

Tyco; Where to now ?

Dig; first to store so i can get her some flowers then hospital 

Tyco: alright

We drive back  to walgreens and i get heer some flowers 


Then we pull up yo the hospital and i get out and the rest of the crew go  to a hotel ... i have a little cut on my lip i hop Jayla doesnt pay that much attention to me 

Jayla P.O.V 

I Just woke up out of surgery im in my room waiting for Diggy and my mom to come back .. I'm watching B.E.T Then Diggy walks in with something behind his back 

Dig: Hey .. 

Me: Hey ! 

Dig: I Have something for you .. *Pulls roses from behind his back* 

Me: Aweee Thanks Dig *Hugs Him* 

Dig: thank you! 

Me: * gasp* Dig what happen to your lip . 

Dig: Nothing .. 

Me: stop lieing tell me 

Dig: Okay well i went to Malik house and me and the crew showed him not to mess with you no more 

You Got Me Now /4 Letter Word ! (Diggy Simmons Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ