Chapter 10

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Next day

Jayla P.O.V

I woke up with such huge smile on my face knowing that all that happened last night .. today after school me and Diggy are going out to eat ! He is leaving today .. I get out of bed and do my hygiene and get dressed

My outfit:

I went downstairs to kitchen to see no one there I'm guessing there gone . I walked outside to forget I don't have my car .. So I called Jasmine , the only person I knew could take me to school at this point I'm really disappointed and mad in her she didn't even call me to even see if I was okay like what kinda Bestfriend is that ? I dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail .. Now I'm getting a little suspicious about her .. Welp guess I'm going to have to walk I don't want to bother Diggy about it he has already done enough .. I got to walking the I got a Text from Diggy

Text convo

Dig: Good Morning beautiful !!

Me: morning ....

Dig: whats wrong ?

Me: I'm walking to school because I forgot I didn't have my car do I called jasmine and she didn't answer smh and I didn't want to bother you cause you already done enough .

Then my phone rings its Diggy

Phone convo

Me: Yes

Dig: Me and tyco are on are way now where are you ?

Me: like 2 blocks away from my house ..

Dig: go back home we will be there in 10 mins ..

Me: Okay ..

Dig: Ight . Stay safe Jayla okay

Me: okay ! Thanks Dan

Dig: Stop saying thank you ..

Me: UGHH okay bye

Dig: byee see you in 10 beautiful

Me:*laughs* Kay see you soon

I hang up the phone and turn back around and walk back home .. My house wasn't to far from where I was walking I got there in like 5 mins then I went in the house and sat on couch and waited like 5 more mins until the door bell rang .. I walked to the front door and opened to see Diggy sitting there smiling !

Dig: Come on , before u be late to school

Me: dang I don't get no hug or nothing just a come on *confused look on my face *

Dig: I'm sorry *hugs me*

I hug back

Dig: now let's go

I lock up and Diggy grabs my hand and we walk to the car and get in

Tyco: Hey Jayla !!

Me: Hey !!!

Dig: So we need to talk about this being scared to ask me to do something ..

Me: UGHH okay .

Dig: why are u scared to ask me to do stuff ?

Me: because like you already done enough flew all the way out here and been here for me that's a lot . and I feel like if I ask you for to much your going to break up with me

Dig: what did I tell you last night ?

Me: that I got you now and that I don't have to worry about no one else hurting me or takin me away from you .

You Got Me Now /4 Letter Word ! (Diggy Simmons Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now