Chapter 17

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Jayla P.O.V

Me And my family and the Simmons family just got back from dinner .. It was so fun his family is so sweet , and nice .. I hope there enjoying me as much as I'm enjoying them ..... Me and Diggy is in there movie room in there pajamas about to watch a movie and Jayla is some what cuddled up on Diggy ..

Me: I really enjoying your family Diggy ! There super nice

Diggy: Told you they were cool . You know they told me they really think your a sweet girl and they like you !!! *plays with a strain of

my hair*

Me: Really!! *sounding happy*

Diggy: Yep ! Now let's pick a movie to watch ..

I got out of my chair and walked over to the movie shelf and looked for movie ..

Diggy: Possession !!!!

Me: I'm going to be scared *pouts*

Diggy: I got chu ain't nothing about to happen to you okay *wraps his arm around me* at least not when I'm here ! *laughs*

Me: Not funny *punches him in the arm*

Diggy: *laughing* come on let's watch this movie !!

Me and sat down . I sat right next to him , I lifted the arm of the couch chair up and laid my head on his shoulder ... Then the movie started ...


Diggy P.O.V

The movie was about to be over and Jayla was scared out of her mind , she was in my lap like a baby scared .. So I wanted to scare her some more so I texted Russy to come in here and act like a scary person .. I heard the door open I looked back to see Russy . I told him to hold up and wait until I give him a signal , I looked back at Jayla who was still scared I gave Russy the look to come on down .. He ran Down by us and Jayla screamed and basically jumped in my arms so tight and buried her head in my chest ... Then Russy turned the lights on and came over by us ..

Me : Babe .!!! It was Russy calm down !!

She puts her head up and looked around and got out of my lap and stood up

Jayla: Your so bogus for that , you know I was scared .. so not funny

Me: Babe it was a joke .. I'm sorry you forgive me

I walk up to her and wraps my arm around her waist ..

Jayla: Nope ...

Me: Oh really now

Jayla: Yep.

Me: Okay

I put Jayla up and drop her lightly on one of the movie couches and start tickling her

Jayla P.O.V

Me: Diggy Stoppppppp .. *laughing*

Diggy: Nope not until you forgive me .

Me: Okay gosh I forgive u

Diggy: That's what I thought ..

Then he pecks me on my lips ..

Me: ://

Diggy: You tired ?

Me: A little .. Are u ?

Diggy: Not really but if your ready to go to sleep then we can ..

Me: alright ..

I got off the couch and me and Diggy walked upstairs to his room ..

Me: Are ur parents okay with me sleeping in here with you ?!

Diggy: Yeah why wouldn't they *looks confused*

Me: idk some parents don't like there girlfriends sleeping in the same bed as them ..

Diggy: well my *points to himself* parents don't mind *smiles*

Me: Okayy .

Then Diggy gets undressed .. He only has on boxers .. The view I have right know !! Then I take off my shirt and I have on my shorts and tank top ..

Diggy: ready for bed babe !

Me: Yeah

We both get in bed and I'm laying close to his body and his arm around my stomach ..

Diggy: Night Jayla . *pecks my cheek*

Me: Night Diggy ..

Then we both eventually fall asleep....

Next Morning

Diggy told me he has some plans for us today so I was just getting out of the shower and getting dressed and doing my hair .

My Outfit:

I sprayed myself one more time and looked in the mirror then walked back into Diggy room .. He wasn't there I'm guessing he went to the bathroom so I walked over to his bed and sat down on his bed and then went on instagram and scrolled down my news feed and decided to take a picture ... I went back into Diggy bathroom and took a pic and posted on my Instagram and my phone started Blowing up with likes and comments .. It kinda irritated me cause like before I started dating Diggy they didn't like my pictures or comment I was pretty and stuff .. I went back and sat on his bed and played some games on my phone and waited until he walked into his room dressed and ready to go ..

Diggy: Awe don't u like gorgeous !!!! You ready ?!

Me: I been ready !

Diggy: ight let's go

We enter our hands , walked downstairs said our goodbyes and left the house

In car

Me: So where are we headed ??

Diggy: if I tell u I would have to kill you ..

I stale face him

Diggy: I'm kidding but Foreal if I tell u it wouldn't be a surprise would it ?

Me: Ughhh no


I know I know y'all looking forward to some drama , don't worry it's coming real "soon" haha hope u enjoyed chapter .


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