Chapter 3

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Zayn's pov:

I was caught off guard. "I hit him because after you ran out he kept saying these horrible things and I just got really angry so I punched him in the jaw." I said but I left out the part that I got mad because what he was saying was hurting me because I know it would have hurt her if she heard him. "Ok." She stood up and walked to the sink and put cold water on her face.

I got up to give her paper towels to dry off her face. "Here you go." I said handing it to her. "Thanks." She smiled her beautiful smile. "Shall we go now?" I asked her. She nodded. We walked out of the bathroom as we were walking back to the cafeteria we saw Harry walking with the principal. I just gave him a dirty look that he returned. Mr. Cowell then walked down a different hall because another teacher called him.

"Fuck you." He said to me. "Excuse me. You do not have a right to say that to me." I spoke. "Yes I fucking do. You punched me for no fucking reason."He shouted. "There was a reason." I mumbled. "Oh yeah, what's the reason?" He asked. "Because...because." I stuttered I can't really tell the reason as to why and I cannot lie, he is one of my best friends...well was cause now I'm done with him. "Because...because what Zayn?" He asked with an evil smirk. "Whatever I do not have to explain myself to you.

" And I started to walk away when I heard him say, "Oh really, because I think I know." He said. "No you don't." I defended. "Oh, but I do. Did you forget I have English with you? Did you forget that I sit right by you?" Fuck. How could I forget that he sits right next to me?

"You don't know shit Harry!" I spat. "Oh so I don't know that you stare at and like-" I cut him off by tackling him to the ground. Punch after punch. Through it all I heard Mackenzie yell for someone I don't know who. I was seeing red until I felt Ashton lift me off Harry and I saw Luke and Mikey helping him off the floor.

There was heavy footsteps that were coming down the silent hall, only other sounds being heavy breathing coming from me. "What is going on here?" Mr. Cowell, our principal, came over asking. No one said a thing and I refused to look up at Mackenzie. I could  only imagine the fear that washed across her beautiful face.

~10 minutes before last bell~

Mackenzie's pov:

I was sad that the last period of the day was ending in 10 minutes. I wasn't sad because I enjoy that class because I didn't, lets be honest who enjoys History? I was upset, and angry because I have detention after school. I was even more mad at the fact it was with Harry. When the bell rang I sighed to myself and stood up. As I slung my bag I snuck a glance at Zayn who looked as upset as I felt, but that could have been due to the cuts on his knuckles from punching Harry...which I was still confused as to why. I slowly trudged to my locker seeing Ashton already waiting for me. He got detention too. Now that I think of it so did Zayn.

After getting the books I needed for my work we made our way to the library. Walking in we saw that three of the four tables were being used to hold some kind of art projects. However Harry and Zayn were nowhere to be found, probably because detention didn't start until 3, and it was only 2:45. I was ok with being early because that meant me and Ash would be alone for a few minutes. I started playing music from my phone and the song Thnks Fr Th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy came on. I absolutely loved that song, me and Ash started to "perform" he was doing air drums as I was playing the air guitar and singing. I hadn't realized Zayn walked in.

By the time the song was over me and Ash were dying from laughing so hard. My laughter came to halt when my blue eyes met his beautiful hazel eyes. He didn't say a thing just smiled slightly at us and sat down.

Authors Note: I Finally updated after a few years. I was in a really bad place, but now all is good and I am starting to write again. Hopefully you enjoy!

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