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Zayn's pov:

I was walking to school with my mates when I literally walked into something, or rather someone. She had beautiful long dirty-blonde hair I instantly recognised who it was. "Oh my God. I am so sorry. I wasn't looking. Oh my God I am so fucking sorry." I heard the most angelic voice say. Before i could say anything in return she was walking away. I couldn't help but stare at her as she walked away. "Damn." I whispered to myself. "Why are you staring at her mate. She's fat. She isn't worth it." Harry said. I could tell she heard because she put her head down, it hurt to hear that. "Fuck off Harry." I spat. "Its true. She isn't worth it." That pissed me off. "You don't know her. Just stop. Why must you base how people are on their looks?" With that I walked away.

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