Chapter 2

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Zayn's pov:

Today was the second day of school.

Mackenzie was in all of my classes and she was always in the back and quiet. The only class she talked to anyone was English. She talked to the Irwins. Ashleigh was her friend as was Ashton; however, Ashton was my friend. "Hey, Ash. Come over here." I shouted to him. He looked up and saw me and said something to the girls. Ashleigh nodded and laughed while Mackenzie said something and blushed. "Hey, man." He said as he sat next to me. Ash was different from the rest of us he didn't have tattoos or piercings, but he was still fun to be around. "Hey, what did you say to her?" I asked looking from Mackenzie to Ashton. "Nothing. Just that I was coming over here." He said but I know he wasn't telling me something. "No seriously what did you say? Because she blushed, what did you say to her?" I asked again. "How do you know she blushed?" He asked with a smirk. Dammit. "U-um...I-I uh I turned to look at you a-and I saw she was blushing?" I said, although it came out as a question. "No, mate. I think you were staring at her. Am I right?" I just shook my head. "No!" I exclaimed. "Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I brought her over?" He had a mischievous smirk on his face. "Hey, Mackenzie and Ashleigh why don't you guys cone sit with us." Ashleigh was up already so she dragged Mackenzie over to us. "Hey, Ash. Where should we sit?" Asked Ashleigh. "How about them two next to eachother?" Ashton said. I glared at him as Ashleigh nodded. "So its settled." They all sat down. I pulled out ny phone to text Ashton.

(Zayn, Ashton)

What the hell?!?!?!


Why did u do tht

Because I know you like her

No I dont

Yes u do.

"No I don't, Ashton." I said out loud by accident. "Yes you do." We went back and forth for about five minutes. "Fine, ok, I do happy." Then I texted him not to tell and he agreed. Ashleigh and Mackenzie were so confused. Ashton gave Ashleigh a look that said 'I will tell you later' to which she nodded. Mackenzie still looked confused, so Ashton said, "We were talking about a candy. He said he doesn't like it, but i seen him have it before so I that is what we were talking about." She looked at me. "Yeah." She nodded. "Ok..." She mumbled. "Thank you." I mouthed to Ashton. He nodded. Mackenzie just put in her headphones and put her head down. "Can you tell me now? We all know she can't hear a thibg when she has her headphones in." Ashleigh asked, and Ashton looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded. "Ok. Zayn here like our best friend, Mackenzie." Ashton said. Ashleigh's eyes just widened. "W-what?" She chocked out, and looked at me. I just nodded weakly. It turned awkward. Ashleigh leaned over and whispered something to Ashton.

Ashton's pov:

"Does he know she likes him?" Ashleigh whispered to me. I shake my head. "Should we tell him?" Again shake ny head. "If we tell him then he will just automatcally think he has a shot. And you and I both know what Mackenzie is like she will think if he asks her out it she will think its a joke." Ashleigh nodded. "Mate how about you just like talk to her a bit, or you can come to our yearly back to school party. Mackenzie is always there." I said to Zayn. He nodded with a smile on his face. "Ok. I will be there." Zayn said. "Just do not bring Harry. I don't care about the rest of them but Harry is a dick to her. I sometimes just want to punch him." Zayn again nodded, with his jaw clenched. "Zayn, don't do anything stupid. Like don't go to lunch and fight him alright?" I said. "Ok." He breathed. Just then the bell rang signaling it was lunch time. Zayn got up, and said bye to us. When was walking he gave one last look to Mackenzie. "Shall we go?" Said Ashleigh. I nodded and poked Mackenzie. She took out one of her headphones as she lifted her head. "Ready for lunch?" I asked her. She nodded and grabbed her bag. We walked with me in the middle and both of my arms wrapped around each girl. We passed by Zayn and I nodded toward the cafeteria, he nodded. We also passed by Harry who used to be friends with Mackenzie, or so we thought. Mackenzie didn't see him because she was on her phone.

Zayn's pov:

I saw Ashton send a glare towards Harry, and wondered why. So I ran uo to Ashton as they were walking on the lunch line. "Why did you send Harry a nasty look?" I asked him, quietly, because Ashton is not one to hate on anybody. He pulled me away from Mackenzie and Ashleigh, "He used to be friends with Mackenzie, or so we thought, he uh he called her, and this is word for word, 'big and fat'. When she read that she cried her eyes out for hours. She still isn't over it really. She thinks that no one is going to love her. She told him it made her feel a hundred times more insecure. All he said was 'Oh'. And trust me if i wasn't on the football team I would have beaten the shit out of him years ago." Ashton said. By now we were looking for somewhere to sit. "Well I have nothing to lose. So can I beat his ass?" Ashton and I laughed. "I don't know man." He shrugged. "Ashy come sit." I heard Mackenzie shout. "Go ahead Ashy." I teased. "Fuck you." He said. I laughed. "Maybe you should sit with us." I was about to accept when I was cut off by Harry. "Zayn come on! We are sitting over here." I just sighed and looked at Ash, then to Harry, then to Mackenzie. "I was actually going with Ash." I said, looking at Mackenzie. I swear I saw her smile a bit. Harry started to laugh. I looked at him confused. "You are really going to sit with that?" He said pointing to Mackenzie. "Mackenzie! Mackenzie stop!" I heard Ashton and Ashleigh shout at Mackenzie. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Huh?! Why must you always bring her down?" Ashleigh gave Harry a death glare. "Because its the truth. No one is going to want that. She is not anything. She is just a fat-" before he could finish I had enough and threw my tray down and punched him in the face. He immediately fell to the ground holding his jaw. With that I ran out of the room looking for Mackenzie. I looked everywhere until I heard sobbing coming from the girls room. I walked in and saw her in the corner with her arms folded on her knees and head on her arms crying. I sighed sadly. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her. "M'sorry." I said quietly. "W-what?" She hiccuped. "Why are you sorry?" She asked again. "I'm sorry because he made you feel like this. I am sorry about what he did. Ashton told me and I had no idea. I punched him in the jaw though." I laughed at the last part, and so did she. She finally wrapped her arms around me snd rested her head on my shoulder. "Why did you hit him?" She asked quietly.

We found Love (Zayn Malik)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu