Chapter 4

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Zayn's pov:

I heard a familiar song playing from the library walking in I saw my friend and his best friend being dorks just jamming out to one of my favorite songs. If it wasn't already over I would have joined in. Mackenzie was laughing and my god it was the most amazing sound I have ever heard. And her smile I could've just melted.

She was genuinely happy, I could tell by the shimmer in her eyes as she laughed with her best friend. I couldn't hold back my smile. She was just absolutely gorgeous. She stopped laughing when she saw I was standing there. She put her head down embarrassed and looked at her vans.

I was so caught up in staring at Mackenzie I hadn't realized Ash was talking to me until I felt something hit the back of my head. I looked over at him to see him smiling suggestively looking from me to Mackenzie.

I shook my head and sat right across from Mackenzie.  She now had her headphones in her ears and her pencil in her hand doing math or something.  I pulled out my phone text Ash:

(Zayn, Ashton)

ur party is tmrw, right?

yea why?

jw...and she is definitely gonna b there right?

ofc she is! she practically lives there anyways...why do you ask

no reason....just curious.....

I looked up from my phone to see Mackenzie rubbing her wrist. I guess she was writing quite a bit. I wish I wasn't so scared to talk to her. I've never had problems talking to girls, except her. She's different.

Mackenzie's pov:

The night before....

After leaving Ash at school me and Ashleigh walked to my house, we always did cause he usually had practice. I lived a little further up than them. After dropping her off I slowly made my  way up to my house not wanting to get there knowing my dad was probably there already. To my surprise his car wasn't in the drive way.

I got inside and headed straight for my room. Getting undressed I caught a glimpsed of the bruises my father left me. I also saw some fresh cuts and some old on my wrists, thighs and stomach.

I trudged my way to the shower and turned it on sitting on the floor of the tub crying. I hated myself, the way I looked, talked, laughed, sneezed....just....everything. I grabbed the blade that I use and just started cutting.

The blood was rushing out of my arm dripping onto my leg but immediately getting washed away by the water. I just kept going and going moving to my stomach then thighs. Hearing the door slam open downstairs I knew my dad was home. I knew he was drunk I heard him stumbling and slurring his words.

Turning the water off I quickly cleaned myself up and went into my room to get dressed in a hoodie and sweat pants. I don't think my dad realized I was home because he didn't come in here like he usually did.

Quietly, I opened my bedroom door, with my sneakers in hand made my way down stairs being as quiet as I could be. Seeing my dad was sleeping on the couch I made my way out the door and over to my best friends house.


Sighing to myself I started to rub my wrist looking up to see Zayn looking at me then back down at his phone smiling....*sigh* he's probably talking to some girl right now. My wrist was hurting really bad and so were my legs.

No one knew about my problem except Ashleigh and Ash. Obviously they were my only friends.  They knew everything. From my mom leaving, to my dad blaming me, to him beating me, to crying myself to sleep, and my cutting.

I guess Ash read my mind cause I felt him put his arm around me to pull me into him and kiss the top of my head. Leaning my head on his shoulder a bit I brought my books closer to continue my work as Ashton and Zayn started to talk.

We never even noticed Harry come in but he never said a thing to us. Just to some girl that always fell to his feet.

I felt safe. I always did when I was with Ash he was like my big brother and protector all at once.

Author's note: I am only able to write on my days off gonna try and update at least once a month but hopefully I get to update more and also I am only focusing on one story at a time.

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