Origins + Eating Habits

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The first known sighting of a tordle was on September 6, in the year of 1989. They originate from Norway, where it's often cold. So don't worry about wrapping yours in blankets during the winter months. Instead, make sure the house is cool during the warmer months.

The first tordle caught in the wild came off a bit awkwardly at first, eyeing us closely as if he expected to he attacked. But gradually, after a few tests of trust build-up, he became more friendly towards us. He was rather violent when playing, and stubborn when fed. He doesn't seem to enjoy most foods. Only bacon, Coca-Cola, and lighter fluid, as well as the occasional strawberries. We have no idea how he had gotten ahold of lighter fluid, but it didn't seem to do any damage at all. In fact, he had been a great impact on his health since the consumption of it.

Though your tordle may seem hungry all day, and take extreme measures to get what he wants, don't give into his foolery. He will eat all day, every day, if you let him. This is very unhealthy and should be avoided. Only serve him two meals a day with light snacks in between. Proportion out the food rationally, never too much of anything. There can be dire consequences.

How To Take Care Of A Tordle (Eddsworld)Where stories live. Discover now