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HERE IS a secret about the orphanage that nobody will ever tell you: When you're in one, you always hope that you were not wanted. An accidental pregnancy. Because the alternative is that you are a product of violence, torture, horror. That you are ugly and hated from birth. That's what you always believe, though. When the families pass you over, you think they see your ugly heart. It's worse when they take you home only to return you. Moving into the Bratva, I became an overachiever in violence.

It was a way to get at least somebody to want me Now with that talent I help my brothers. We find Archie Vega is alone in his house, on his Exercycle watching the eleven o'clock news. The TV and the Exercycle keep him from hearing us, and when he sees us, it keeps him from running. He nearly falls off it, trying to get away. I pull him off. Yuri and Mischa hold him at gunpoint while I ask about Kiro. He tells us he knows nothing. I see in his eyes that this is a lie.

"You want to tell us," I say simply. He shakes his head. Ta quift bota nanen. Tito translates: "May the world fuck your mother." "Okay then." We tie him to a weightlifting bench. It's metal. Good and strong. "I will fuck you up then." I cut his clothes off him. He needs to feel vulnerable. I need the information fast. To get Aleksio out of that restaurant. The day Aleksio arrived changed my world. A blood brother. I belonged. I wanted to drop to my knees and weep there in the garage when Aleksio told me I had a family that actually wanted me.

He was so angry with me for what I did to Mira. I didn't think he'd be so angry. It fucked me up, as Aleksio would say. But I will earn back his love. I wish I could have walked in there with him. Of course it would be madness for us both to go in there. If it gets bloody, the other must remain for Kiro. Still, I hate it. If Aleksio dies, I want to be by his side, dying with him. It would be a privilege to die with Aleksio. I press the knife to Vega's belly. I feel the clock ticking, but I smile and laugh.

You never let them know you're in a hurry. It gives them power. Easy things first. What he ate for dinner. Make him visualize the inside of his belly, and what I will do. Pirogi, he tells me. With white fefferoni. I send Mischa to check his dinner dishes. Now he begins to freak. Why is this so important? Why do we want to check his dinner dishes? I wait, as though bored. Scaring a man is in the crazy fucking details. Mischa comes back and confirms it all-in Russian-and I smile. "Okay, then."

Just like that he calls his maid. An old woman with a head scarf. She was hiding. She leads Mischa to a box of paper files. She says Lazarus got jpeg images of these files. These are the originals. I find the file about Kiro. A Worland file, like the ones we stole, except nothing is blacked out. An address. I text Aleksio. I have the address. But so does Lazarus. Yuri drives like hell back while I go through the box. There are other files, too. Lots of secrets here..

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