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I SET DOWN THE PHONE, heart thundering in my fucking ears. “They’re coming,” I say to Tito. I storm into Viktor’s room. “Nikolla’s on his way.” He stands. “She told? She told where we are?” “She warned us,” I growl. She sounded so scared. Her father wouldn’t scare her like that, would he? Shivers crawl up my spine. “It could be her father, but I think it’s Lazarus. He’s making his move, and he has Mira.” “She told you this?” “More or less.” “What is more or less?” “More or less means I know her..

They’re coming, got it? They made her answer my call. She endangered herself warning us. They could be out there now.” And if they know she warned us? I can’t think about that. “You trust her? One word and you trust her?” “Yeah. I trust her.” “Just like that.” “We’re connected, Viktor. I need you to trust me on this. I just know.” He seems to contemplate this. What is he thinking? Then just like that, he accepts it and shuts his laptop. “I understand, brat. We have that C-4. We rig the house to take them all down if they come. If not…” He shrugs. “If we move on them like that, they’ll know Mira warned us.” “Happy baby animals” wasn’t the most natural comment..

They’ll know either way. If we run or if we kill them, they’ll know.” I scrub my hand over my face. “I need to get her out.” A text. My tech guy comes through with a location—the Beverly Inn. Her dad keeps a suite there. I stand. “I’ll go in there and get her out before they realize what she did.” “Brat,” Viktor says. “You can’t I love her.” He looks surprised. Hell, I’m surprised. “Just like that.” “Always.” “Aleksio,” he says darkly. Leave it to Viktor to see love and trust in a dark and tragic light. “Go, then. Take Tito. Brewer. Take all of my men.” “Leave you?” “Yuri and I will rig it. Then we’ll wait in the woods and pick them off. It’ll be bloody as hell.” “Viktor—” “We’ve done this many times. We could do this drunk...

Mira would want to prevent more killing, to be neutral like Switzerland or something. Too late for that. Yuri and Mischa get to work rigging the place, just like Lazarus did with the adoption agency. They’re like an Indy 500 pit crew, laying down cascading triggers. A lot of people will die. The three of them will snipe the survivors from the trees around. This won’t end the war—it’ll make it worse. The remaining seven of us sneak out the side in case we’re being watched. We head into the forest, cram into one of the vehicles we have stashed over the ridge and crash out the side road. It takes forever. Viktor has agreed to text me when the action starts. We have to reach Mira before they arrive. Once they suspect her of warning us, she’s done. Does she realize what she did? The traffic is shit. I go up on the shoulder at one point. Let the cops try to stop us. Tito argues with me, tells me to be smart. I’m not thinking straight, I know. I just need to get to her

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