stuffs about me

25 4 12

-I am a Little (look it up because I am lazy to put a definition)

-I am in college

-I like unicorns, penguins and dinos

-I am pansexual

-I love Kpop

-I listen to more than just Kpop

-But mainly Kpop

-I like to read (highly recommend The Five People You Meet In Heaven)

-When the weather changes I get headaches and sometimes migraines

-I have learning disabilities and disorders

-I like to watch some YouTubers

-Shane Dawson, Gabe Helmy, Sibongtv, TerryTV, Big Marvel, Nicky Park, Amber Liu, Reaction Time, Conitv, Bryonvids, Wengie, HelloXRyan, Venus Angelic, Juncurryahn, Henry Prince Mak, Janoskians, Mejjuseyo, Parker J, YongHyeon

-I like to cook (sometimes)

-And bake

-I identify as a Male

-Please call me Max

-Maxie when I am Little

-If you know my dead name, don't call me by it or I will no longer talk to you

-I am 19 years old

-My Little age varies in 2-7 years old

-I can go into Babyspace when I am really stressed

-Please use my correct pronouns (male ex= he, his)

-I have a dog named Jett

-I would like a cat but I am the only one in my family who likes cats so I can't have one until I move out which will be never

-I like to draw

-If I have motivation I practice dancing to Kpop songs

-I hate my college residence and my dorm

-I am on the 4th floor and I had a rodent

-Well it was in my roommates side but still

-I don't know where this is going

-I like to eat food

-Pizza, pasta, poutine, curry chicken

-I hate pineapples

-I don't think they go on pizza

-If you think they do that's okay

-I hate bacon

-But I will eat it on pizza and in sandwiches

-Same with lettuce

-I don't like raisins

-I swear I am not a picky eater

-Maybe I am

-Who the hell knows

-I am done with this

-Have a good day/night

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