Chapter 1 New Beginning

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It is the day, cadets have to go to the training camp and ready to start their first day in the military. Mikasa young girl who after losing two families followed Eren the only one who she considers her family and Armin their friend from Shiganshina who also came to the military after noticing how poorly the government is handling the situations. Mikasa only came to make sure Eren will survive no matter the cost. Cadets went in lines to the main training field and instructor came. While he had begun to insult the cadets the last cadet came. A girl with long pure white hair had a height of 170cm, sapphire eyes and weirdly she also had a white glove on her left hand. She went on the line and instructor came over and shouted: "Where the hell were you cadet!" she kept her expressionless face and respondent: "That's my personal information sir". Comment only made him angrier:

-In the military, you must always be on time!? Who the hell are you anyways!?

-Dragonborn. My name is Selina Dragonborn.

-So miss Dragonborn why did you join the military?

-None of your business sir.

Selina's attitude towards the instructor has other cadets in shock.

-Let me ask you again snow head! WHY DID YOU JOIN THE MILITARY!?

-I wasn't interested in farming. Are you know satisfied?

Instructor ignored Selina's answer since he noticed her left arm.

-Why do you wear that?

Selina remained silent. After not getting a response he tried to take the glove off, but before he could reach the glove Selina reacted and lifted the instructor.


He froze when he took a look at Selina's face and so did every cadet as well. Mikasa who had been always good at hiding her emotions couldn't believe what she saw. It is like she was somehow causing fear to everyone around. Her face had the perfect death stare. She glared at the shocked instructor and said in a cryptic tome:

-There are many secrets in this cursed world. Some are best to keep as secrets.

After she let the instructor go and returned to her neutral state suddenly fear seemed to disappear completely. After recovering instructor though: (Never since my time as scout did i though that i would be consumed by fear. But this girl has more in her than meets the eye). He moved on to complete his routine and shortly was like nothing had happened. After cadets who were accepted were dismissed they went to the barracks and at the dinner, most cadets were avoiding Selina being afraid that she might get angry again and Selina also made clear that she preferred to be alone. While Selina was eating she was interrupted:

-Excuse me, but can we talk?

-Talk? Well, tell me who you are first.

-My name is Eren Yeager.

-You're the one who wanted to kill every titan am i right?

-Absolutely i will kill every last one!


-Because I'm done living behind these damned walls. I want to explore the outside world.


Selina and Eren continued to talk while others were watching. Then they stopped when Mikasa came over.

-Eren why are you bothering Selina?

-Mikasa, i'm not bothering her! I'm just talking to her. Could you take a break for an evening at least?

-Eren i just dont want you to get into trouble.

Eren had enough with Mikasa treating him as a little brother and he left.

-Well he didn't seem to enjoy that. Tell me Mikasa why do you act like that?

-He is the only family that i have left. I can't lose him. I must protect him.

-You know you need to learn to trust him. You only make him dare even harder if you keep babysitting him.

Mikasa got a little annoyed from Selina's comment.

-What do you know? You can't know the pressure to protect someone you care about.

Mikasa's response got Selina to take a depressed expression and she left without saying anything. Mikasa started to feel guilt about what she had said. She left last from the mess hall and went in her dorms and went to bed, but how could she sleep having potentially insulted someone. She thought that she will apologize tomorrow after training.

For many cadets joining the military is the new beginning.

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