Chapter 4 Sakura Dragonborn

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Training continues with Selina and Mikasa working together, they have been best cadets of 104th. While they are not that good at working in teams, they are outstanding when they work together as pairs. Their skill with 3D gear is topnotch. Selina and Mikasa spend their free time training as well. Selina has taught Mikasa some of her secret moves that she learned during her own training. While Mikasa's friendship with Selina rises, she is spending even less time with Eren and Armin. While Eren is enjoying freedom from constant babysitting from Mikasa, Armin is getting upset that Mikasa doesn't even seem to notice him or Eren at all. After some time came first regiment holiday which meant a whole week of free time. Armin found Mikasa talking with Selina.
-Armin: Hi guys.
-Mikasa: Armin what's wrong? You seem upset.
-Armin: I'm alright. So what are your plans for holiday Mikasa?
-Mikasa: I don't know yet. What about you Armin?
-Armin: Study what else could be in the outside world. What about you then Selina?
-Selina: I'm going to meet with Sakura. She is coming to Trost.
-Armin: Your sister? When is she coming?
-Selina: She is coming today. I will meet her at Trost district inner gate.
-Mikasa: Could i meet her?
-Selina: Of course Mikasa she told me that she would like to meet you too.
-Armin: Could me and Eren meet her as well?
-Selina: Why do you want to see her?
-Armin: She sounds like an interesting person and what harm is there since you told us about her.
-Selina: Alright i'm leaving to Trost soon. So get ready to leave soon. 
After they were ready they left for Trost and arrived there after 3 hours. Selina leads them to the gate where they found Sakura.
-Selina: Hey Sakura! It's been long since we last met.
-Sakura: Too long Selina.
When Eren, Armin and Mikasa came closer they took notice of how different two sisters were. Selina had white hair and sapphire eyes. Sakura had black hair and blood red eyes and she was a little shorter than Selina.
-Sakura: I assume you are Mikasa, but i don't remember Selina saying anything about you two. So who are you?
-Eren: I'm Eren and this is Armin. We are Mikasa's friends.
-Armin: So you are Selina's sister it's nice to meet you.
-Sakura: Pleasure is mine.
-Selina: Now that you're here Sakura what is it that you wanted to do?
-Sakura: I would like to spend time with Mikasa if that's okay for you both.
-Selina: I have no issues with it.
-Mikasa: Sure sounds like fun.
-Selina: Alright Mikasa go with Sakura and i'm with Eren and Armin. Let's meet at the gate before the evening.
-Sakura: Sounds good to me.
Mikasa went with Sakura towards lake nearby while the others went to the city.
-Sakura: So Mikasa what do you think of Selina now when you're friends?
-Mikasa: She is interesting. She treats me well and somehow knows every little thing that i like.
-Sakura: Well it's nice to see her having a true friend once again.
-Mikasa: Again?
-Sakura: Oh? She has not told you about Sofia?
-Mikasa: No. She only told a story of her past about her friends and boyfriend.
-Sakura: Her classic cover story. She has never had a boyfriend or more than one friend. I thought she would trust you enough to tell the truth for once.
-Mikasa: Then what really happened?
-Sakura: Selina feels guilt for not being able to protect her former best friend Sofia. Her death had a negative effect on her and us. She accused Serena of playing her part in her death even though she has no part in it. She died because of a rare disease that affects body similar way like poison does. Selina accused her of poisoning Sofia.
-Mikasa: Wait so their hate for each other is not about the difference in strength.
-Sakura: No it's simply one accusing other and that started long pointless fights between them. Sharon and i had to interfere. We have been trying to keep them as far away from each other as possible.
-Mikasa: Why did Selina accuse her?
-Sakura: Because she had Sofia's necklace. Sofia gave that to her to get her confidence rising, but Selina refuses to believe that Sofia would just hand it away and instead thinks that Serena killed her and took it. This has made them despise each other and they are ready to kill each other should they meet again. That's why i'm wanted to meet you. I want you to help me prove Serena's innocence and end their fights once and for all. So will you help me?
-Mikasa: Yes i will, so what will i need to do?

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