Chapter 5 Mind Game

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Mikasa and Sakura returned to Trost districts gate where others were waiting.
-Selina: Well Sakura did you enjoy your time with Mikasa?
-Sakura: Indeed i did.
-Eren: What are we going to do now?
-Sakura: How about i return Mikasa to Selina and i get to know you guys instead.
-Selina: Well that's the reason they wanted to come.
-Armin: True because Selina has made you sound very interesting.
-Sakura: Really now? So shall we go?
-Eren and Armin: Yes.
Sakura left with Eren and Armin. Then Selina took Mikasa with her to Trost district for a meal. 
-Selina: Are you hungry? I could pay us both.
-Mikasa: Well sure, but i can pay too just...
-Selina: Already paid us.
They took their meals and went to eat.
-Mikasa: Selina can i ask you something?
-Selina: Hmm? Sure ask away.
-Mikasa: Why can't you make up with Serena?
The question surprised Selina and she almost choked on her food.
-Selina: How in oblivion do you know of her? Oh wait Sakura right?
-Mikasa: She told me about your situation and also told me that you are mistaking it.
-Selina: Mistaking it? Mistaking that she wears a necklace that i gave to Sofia as a token of our friendship? I refuse to believe that she would toss that away. 
-Mikasa: Look i just want to help you two settle this. It's not right for sisters to be trying to kill each other.
-Selina: You really don't get my point she is not innocent either. We both don't like each other anymore. So please do for me a favor and dont get involved in this. You have no idea of how many times Sakura and Sharon have tried already. 
-Mikasa: Selina listen! How could you handle if you would kill her!?
-Selina: Enough with this Mikasa! You don't know anything about us, only that little what we allow to know!
-Mikasa: Then tell me everything.
-Selina: Oh i will, but first i will tell you the truth about Eren's view of you.
-Mikasa: His view of me?
-Selina: Yes because i know what Eren really thinks of you....
Meanwhile, in the Trost districts streets Eren and Armin are talking with Sakura about Selina.
-Armin: So what about her glove why does she wear that?
-Sakura: Selina wears that to hide a mark of some sort. Apparently, it was given to her as a symbol of trust to some clan.
-Armin: Then why don't you have a glove?
-Sakura: Because i have nothing to hide. I don't have that mark because i don't belong here.
-Eren: Wait what do you mean by that?
-Sakura: Our father one time build a great Empire to create peace forever to our world, but father began to test the limits of his powers and found a way to travel between different worlds. He found this world and 3 others and he is trying to find even more. After he had trained us he sent us away from our homeworld and put each of us in a different world. This is the world where Selina was sented. She came here long before titans had appeared. And it was here where she met Sofia and became best friends with her. Sofia was part of some old clan and because Selina was like a sister to Sofia she was given the clans mark.
-Armin: You're from a different world?!
-Sakura: Yes we are.
-Armin: Just how is traveling between worlds possible?
-Sakura: Because of magic. Our world is full of it. We Dragonborn's are the strongest beings in our worlds.
-Eren: What is your world like?
Sakura explained her world in great detail to Eren and Armin, but then Eren realized something.
-Eren: Wait Sakura! About that clan that Sofia was part of, can you tell more?
-Sakura: Why so?
-Eren: Because that kinda sounds similar to Mikasa. Because she is part of her mothers clan and she has a mark too.
-Sakura: Wait what did the mark look like!?
-Eren: Some circle with swords inside it.
-Sakura: Oh no.
-Armin: What is wrong?
-Sakura: Because that is the same mark.
-Eren: So what about it?
-Sakura: Selina has been obsessed to find a replacement for Sofia. Since Mikasa is part of the same clan Selina will want her to be her best and only friend. Meaning that she will not tolerate others around her like you two.
-Armin: Are you saying that she is trying to turn her against us?
-Sakura: Yes. She is most likely trying to separate her from Eren.
-Eren: How would she do that? Mikasa would never abandon me because i'm her only family.
-Sakura: Do you truly care about her? Eren be honest.
-Eren: Well yes i do.
-Sakura: I said be honest!
-Eren: Fine! I have hated her.
-Armin: Eren! How dare you!
-Eren: Look Armin she has always been just treating me like brother and somehow i feel that she is doing it like some slave.
-Armin: YOU DARE!!!
-Sakura: Stop both of you! If that is what you think of her Selina will use that info to turn Mikasa away from you.
-Eren: How could she even know that?
-Sakura: Magic, that's how and i think she is with Mikasa in the barracks talking about this particular subject.
Armin and Eren quickly began to run towards the barracks. Sakura started to leave, but she had a smile on her face.
-Sakura: Well Selina i did my part. Now the rest of this mind game you will play alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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