Chapter 3 Past

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Eren and Armin went to the barracks looking for Mikasa who didn't show back after escorting Selina to the doctor.

-Armin do you have any idea where Mikasa might be?

-We could start by knocking on her door to see if she went into her room.

-Sounds good. It's weird since she didn't return to babysit me.

They went to Mikasa's room, but it was empty. Armin then recommended that they wait till lunch and meet her in the mess hall. After some time lunch time came and Eren and Armin went to mess hall and found Mikasa sitting with Selina who still had her bandage and glove.

-Armin: Mikasa!
-Mikasa: Eren? Armin?
-Eren: Where have you been?
-Mikasa: Sorry i was busy with Selina.
-Eren: How so?
-Selina: I have wanted to have a friend for a long time, so Mikasa agreed to be my friend.
-Armin: Hey you can be our friend as well.
-Eren: Yeah then we can work together!
-Mikasa: About that...
-Selina: I didn't want friends i just wanted A friend.
-Eren: What is that supposed to mean?
-Armin: Yeah why only one friend when you can have more?
-Selina: I was just going to tell that to Mikasa, so since you're here suppose i have to tell you too. Alright, now you're going to be first people to hear my story. So i was going to tell Mikasa why i want to have only one friend. For you to understand my situation you need to know that my father trained me and my sisters to be ultimate warriors. Our training was brutal every day and more we accomplished harder the training got. We always were against each other we never worked together, but i found that having a good relationship with one of my sisters was useful since i was the oldest and strongest of my siblings. That is the reason why my youngest sister hates me. Ever since birth, i have been strongest and father considers her to be weakest of us and because of that, she has always been desperate of fathers approval one thing i got easily, but she has never gotten. She maybe weakest, but her determination to beat me and become fathers favorite makes her dangerous.
-Armin: What about your other two sisters? What are they like?
-Mikasa: And what are their names?
-Selina: Well first there is Sharon second oldest of us. She may not have fysical strength, but she is really smart. Her brain is her strongest weapon. Then there is Sakura she and i have been allies for whole time of our training. She admires me and has always been ready to help me. My whole live nemesis if you want to say it like that has been Serena my clone basicly since our only difference is the color of our hair, other than that we look very very simular. Anyway like i was saying our training was very brutal since we needed to be stronger than any avarage human. I was able to succeed in every challenge with secret help from Sakura. Father allowed me and Sakura to take our first missions. During my first mission i became good friends with one kids from village that was near my temporery housing. I even fell in love with one of the boys there, but after some time sudently titans started to appear from the distance and panic started. I found some of my friends and tried to save them but first wave of small titans came and there was nothing i could do. I then had to return back while hearing my friends cries and screams. I was hoping that i would find my boyfriend and i did, but he betrayed me. He knocked me over so titan nearby would focus on me. Thanks to my training i was able to escape, but i'm never forgeting the grand betrayal on me. So that was the day when i desided that i would never care for many people only one, because it's way easier to focus on one than many and because my boyfriend betrayed me i have never trusted anyone same way ever again. You don't know the feeling of being powerful, but yet unable to save those who you care about.
-Armin: I see...umm..
-Eren: Thats just not right.
-Mikasa: I'm sorry you had to go through that Selina.
-Selina: I'am only now trying to give friendship an annother shot, but i can't promise anything because of my past.

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