Sorry John

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   I sat there for what seems like hours. What the heck just happened? Did a famous villain just throw a tantrum and leave? I don't understand. There I sat in that alleyway till I felt a vibration in my back pocket. I grab it out to find that idiot one was calling me.

"Scarlett where have you been? Do you know how worried me and the rest of us are?" All I can do is tune him out and start to walk home. He'll rattle off all the situations that I could have been through if I didn't text them constantly. Little did he know I have been through one. Running into a villain and them recognizing me.

"I'm almost home." I cut into his rant.

"Okay." He hung up. He'll be outside the family home waiting with the rest of the family for me. I'm seventeen but they all still do that for me. Even though all three of my older brothers are living out of our parents house they always have to be outside our parents front door if me and my parents go out. Always ready to come to our rescue.

"Scar!" I glance up from my feet to see my overly extravagant brother, Mark, sprinting toward me from the house a block down.

"Mark, be careful there's a puddle right there." I whisper do to his super hearing. Mark, being the one afraid of water, quickly stops and looks for what he calls a death trap.

"Where?" He shrieks. I laugh.

"Nowhere I just wanted you to slow down." I walk over to him and give him a hug. "Thanks for the excitement idiot three."

"Scarlet?" Idiot one shouts from the driveway. I sigh.

"Mark cover your ears." I let him go and yell to idiot one. "Garrett for the last time it's Scar and we do have neighbors! You know that right?" I see Mark cringe and I pat his shoulder in apology. Garrett lowers his head and rubs the back of his head. Grabbing Marks hand I bring him to the driveway and grab Garretts hand as well before continuing to the house.

"Mom, dad look at what the dog dragged in." I was not going saying cat in that instance. No flippin' way I was saying the name of those monsters. My eyes glaze slightly while thinking of how cats have betrayed me in the past. The only thing that brought me was a idiot two calmly waving a hand in my face. I jolt in realization. "Sorry John, cats. Flippin' cats." He smiles slightly and shakes his head.

   My nose fills with the scent of chicken and I know exactly where my other brothers are. John was the only one to wait for me to come out of my trance. I guess I could say he was the patient one out of the bunch. I would thank him out loud but we both already know I'm thankful for his calmness.

"Please don't let them eat all the food without me." John super speeds to the kitchen to save me a few chicken legs knowing those other two will eat them if he doesn't grab them for me. I walk to the kitchen in a slow pace knowing my stomach will have food soon.

"Mom, are we having potatoes with the chicken?" I ask outside the kitchen already knowing that the answer is yes. I just want to know how my mom's day is going. I can tell just from the tone from her voice so I wait outside the door so no one can see me, hoping to get a reply sooner. I hear a soft laugh.

"Sweetie come sit down you know we're having potatoes." I smile knowing that she was having a great day. I smile widely as I walk in and sit in my usual end seat. My mother sitting at the other end and my father sitting to her right with my brother in between the two women of the family.

"John may I have my plate?" John stands from my left and runs into the kitchen to grab it for me. He zooms back and gently sets down without a sound. "Thanks."

"Okay, now that everyone is sitting shall we start?" My mother pronounces as she sets down the last glass of milk. A course of yes's rain through the room as my brothers dive for the chicken. My father, mother, and I as sit back and wait for the scraps. While the two oldest, John and Garrett, fight for the last chicken leg my mother starts a conversation with me.

"So, Scar how was your walk?" She leans on one of her hands as she questions my day.

"It went well. I just went to the shop across town and back." In reality I went about ten blocks down and was ambushed but I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Oh? Did you see anyone? Buy anything?" My father spoke for the first time tonight.

"The city was pretty quite. No one really out and about today. Also that's a no on the interesting buys of today."

"Maybe a more interesting visit next time, ja?" I scoff inwardly thinly of my outing today. It was more exciting then my parents want to know. I nod once before noticing my brothers quieting down because of all the food stuffed in there mouths. Me and my mother smile softly at their beastly manor before digging in ourselves. As I only had two chicken legs had a half plate full of the potatoes to fill the other side of my plate. My first bites almost tastes heavenly compared to what I have been fed before in high class restaurants.

"Mmm Mom this tastes lovely." I praise as I eat mouthfuls at a time.

"Danke sweetheart." She spoke in part German.

"Tch Mutti. You know that your not supposed to speak German around Mark. He can't keep up with English how is he supposed to remember any German." I laugh as I see Marks face fall behind a chicken breast. All I hear from him is a whine while the rest of the family laughs along with me.

   Super always comes with laughs and giggles. Sure, we go over serious stuff like what my brothers do for the city day after day but those conversations always end with a cheesy joke or one brother talking of how one of the others tripped over a piece of scrap metal. My father would always be the one to ask the boys what, where, and who they had saved. Me and my mother would go over the different techniques and moves that the boys could have used during their saves. I never brought up the incident that happened to me but it made a burning question form in my head.

What if I did turn off his power for awhile?

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