Me & Scar Need to Have a Chat

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What if I did turn off his power for awhile?

   What if? Could I help out my brothers with the power? Would they let me? Now that I think about it could I do it in my head? My excitement builds as I think about all of this. The dishes were almost done and I had already formed a plan in my mind. John might be a bit confused for a while if this works but.. Science? First I'll just drop a dish, hopefully not break it, then John will come rushing in with his speed and protectiveness in full drive. John all I ask is that you don't suspect me first. I fold my hands and shake them at the ceiling. Thankfully no one was in the room to see the silent prayer.

   Grabbing a bowl out of the strainer I turn and drop it directly onto the floor. Before a second thought I shout in my brain off while thinking of John! Hearing a crash I become more concerned about the noise then anything else. I run into the living room to see John clutching his knee while the coffee table wobbles back and forth.

"John are you okay?" My mother speaks the words before I could.

"Mm fine. How's Scar? I heard a bowl hit the floor in the kitchen." I smile fondly seeing how my plan worked.

"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?" He looked confused but I hopefully think that the family won't comment on it. Of course someone has too though.

"You look a bit dazed." Garrett states as he looks toward the younger. John blinked once before answering his elder.

"Time caught up." Having no clue what he meant the family questioned him.

"What?" There he sat on his butt with his knees raised and his forearms on top of them looking dazed.

"I started sprinting and you all know that when I run it feels like time slows down? Well I was getting off the couch trying to go around the couch at top speed to get to Scar but there was something in my head that was like nope and I started running really slow and couldn't turn so I hit the table with my shin." I look to see a bruise form. I knelt down and was gently going to place a hand over it before I saw a wince cross over his face. My hand hovering I looked at him in concern.

"Does it hurt?" He was the only one in the family that received bruises easy and kept them. He nodded his head.

"I live for now. Was just a bit shocked when it happened." Mother being silent spoke for the first time since the crash.

"How do you feel know? Do you think you could run around the block once to see if your okay?" She quizzed. John pursed his lips and got up. He only took one step forward before shaking his head in amazement.

"I can't I feel so sluggish and down right now. This feeling I feel like I'm asleep." John lightly slaps his face. "It's like I'm in a bad dream." Mom grabs his arm. I need to stop this. I grab his other arm and whisper in my mind on. I feel a rush go through my arm down to John's. He jumps as the jolt hits him. I can feel the blood pump faster through his veins. Me and my mother both take a step back as we feel the change.

"Wh-what was that?" Mom stutters in confusion. My father and other brothers all stare in confusion at her while she stares at John.

"I don't know. I felt a shock from Scar and now I feel fine. More than fine, great even." All the eyes in the room go to me and I grow nervous.

"I have no clue what happened. I felt a shock from you." I twist the looks back to John with a pointed finger.

"What, John? Have you been telling us everything? New powers maybe?" Mark spoke in an excited tone. John scoffs.

"If I had a new power I'd already be rubbing it in your face." John spoke facing Mark while giving me a sideways look. Oh, geez.

"Alright you two that's enough. I want to see, John do a lap around the city to make sure he's alright." John smiles and sprints off with a white light following in his wake. No more than a minute later he's back smiling more than ever.

"Everything seems A okay." John states with a sly smile. With that look I know I'm more than likely going to have to explain this later.

"Good to hear sweetie." My mother pats him on the back before sitting on the couch. "Now that, that's settled let's watch the news." Everyone else follows my mother's lead except for me and John.

"Me and Scar need to have a chat." All I see is some unfazed heads nod before I am zoomed into the basement/ training room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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