191 11 5

August, 2017



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INVISIBLE TEARS mixed with water forced from Brianna's eyes by the wind and streamed down her cheeks, leaving her eyes red and puffy as Sunnyside Trailer Park came into view. Her breathless sobs were drowned out by the overpowering sound of her motorcycle's engine roaring along, and the icy wind that whipped past her ears, evaporating the tears as they fell and leaving her throat icy and dry.

Although she'd rather do anything else but go to school, she knew that she didn't have a choice, but that didn't mean that she couldn't delay it as much as possible. But even so, it was either that, or stay at 'home' with her she-devil of a foster mother, Lois, and anything was better than a three hour lecture about getting more money for her abuse of drugs and alcohol and stop wasting time at 'home' and school.

Luckily, she'd grown a habit of leaving her bedroom window unlocked for situations exactly like this one when she needed to sneak in. Hell would freeze over before she unleashed her weakness by crying in front of the hardened Southside students at Southside High, it would never be lived down, and she'd only become a target, which at this point , she'd do anything to avoid.

However, she couldn't stay hidden in her bedroom forever — sooner or later, Lois would see her motorcycle outside and immediately start searching the entire trailer for her. And unfortunately for Brianna, she'd already been caught multiple times attempting the same thing and been caught every single one, only to receive a beating afterwards.

It truly was a deadly game of hide and go seek.

So instead of getting into a comfortable set of night clothes, she headed into her small bathroom to get rid of the red puffiness from her tears after she managed to calm herself down. Even after she stopped crying, she knew that turning up at school with puffy, red eyes would be the equivalent of turning up high, and then the rumours would begin to spread.

The house had a permanent scent of smoke from her cigarettes and occasionally weed too, as well as whatever the fuck else Lois did while both Gabriella and Brianna were there and away. It didn't matter to her that both girls were still considered children, as long as she got the monthly amount that came with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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