Chapter 4

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Cassie P.O.V.
It was the last period of the day. I set down my stuff as the announcement from the speaker said "Cassie Martinez, Cassie Martinez to the front office please, thank you."

I walked up to the front office where I was greeted by some officers. The principal told me that they wanted to interview me.

They took me to a quiet room they usually use for detention. I entered the room and sat a desk. The two officers both pulled up to chairs and sat down. "Cassie, right?" Said the tall black haired, dark eyed officer. "Yes." He held his hand out for me to shake it. We shook hands "I'm Officer Gallagher and this is Officer Morales."

The short officer with dark curly hair sat there sternly looking at me. "You know why you're here, right?" He finally spoke. "Yes sir." "We're going to ask you a couple of questions about Corbyn." Officer Gallagher asked "Is that alright with you?" I nodded.

"Ok, so have you met Corbyn?" "Yes, but we haven't spoken. I've only seen him." "So, you haven't met him, you've just seen him." "I guess." I said. "Its a yes or no answer Ms. Martinez." Said Officer Morales. "Yes" I then replied.

They sent me back to class. Everyone was staring at me and I sat in my seat.

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