Talk Klingon To Me

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It was ten minutes after midnight and the dim lights in Shane's new editing room cast an eerie glow over the computer screen in front of Andrew. He'd been sat hunched over in the same position for hours and his neck was beginning to go stiff from lack of movement. They'd done a good job kitting out the "War Room" with everything that they could possibly need which meant no more backache from trying to edit on the couch. Andrew had his own desk now and a proper chair which was pretty neat; Garrett had even gotten him his own personalised stationery. Seated in a chair next to him with his robe tied loosely around him, Shane was eagerly going over his notes for the video they were working on.

"So we'll put the clip of her talking about the crazy Dance Mom fights first," he said excitedly whilst scribbling out a rough timeline on his notepad, "Then we can cut to the bit where I ask her about what being on the show was like, how she got on it and then why she left. Sound good?"

"Yeah..." Andrew murmured distractedly as he stared blankly at his own notepad, "Great."

"Cool!" Shane said as he re-read over his notes once more, "So then we'll lead into..."

They were working on something fun to put up on Shane's channel just in time for Christmas and had eventually settled on a day in the life of Dance Moms alumni JoJo Siwa. It was fun and easy; a welcome break after all the stress they'd endured from dealing with the fallout from the Jake Paul series. Quite frankly if Andrew never heard the words "Team 10" or "It's Every Day Bro" ever again he'd be a very happy man. Shane, on the other hand, was still having trouble letting the whole thing go and had almost instead that they interview Erika Costell about the break up between her and Jake. This was met with a resounding "no" from Andrew, Garrett, Ryland, and Morgan and thankfully Shane had dropped the idea. Now that all the filming with JoJo had been completed they were back in the editing zone or at least Shane was; Andrew had other, more important, things on his mind.

"Pink or orange Andrew?" Shane asked as he held up a blonde wig that Jeffree Star had lent him for his JoJo transformation and a bunch of bows from JoJo's merch line, "Or maybe the polka dot..."

"Orange," Andrew said vaguely as he tried to concentrate on what he was doing, ""

To be fair, his lack of concentration was all Garrett's fault; it had been an unexpected turn of events when his boyfriend had brought up the subject of a role-play scenario that involved alien sex. They weren't even at home in bed where you'd normally discuss such things like this either, they were in the Cracker Barrel and Andrew was halfway through his slice of cherry pie when Garrett, seemingly out of nowhere, brought the subject up.

"It would be like I was an astronaut that crash-landed on an unknown planet and been stuck there for a whole year," Garrett had explained as he stole a fork full of Andrews pie, "And you're an alien that comes to help me."

"Ummm, ok..." Andrew said; blindsided by how this was scenario was supposed to be sexy instead of downright terrifying.

He'd seen enough Sci-Fi films throughout the years to know that aliens weren't all that big on human contact, let alone fucking you, and where more inclined to try and rip you to shreds instead. Aliens were gross and scary and Andrew didn't understand how this was supposed to be hot or sexy, like, was he supposed to chase Garrett or something??

"And by "help" I mean have sex with me," Garrett continued excitedly, clearly having put a lot of thought into this, "Because I've been on my own for a year and require your assistance. Doesn't that sound fun Andrew?"

"I'm not really sure..." Andrew trailed off as he tried to think of a kind, supportive way to tell Garrett that there was no fucking way he was pretending to be an alien whilst they had sex, "I mean... maybe..."

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