Part 2

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The drive back to Garrett's took even longer now that Shane and Ryland had moved so far out and Andrew settled himself in for the long drive back. The upside was that it gave him ample thinking time in the car; namely what he was going to say when Garrett inevitably brought up his alien sex fantasy.

"Why'd it have to be aliens Gare?" Andrew muttered out loud to himself as he turned onto the highway.

Most people assumed that Andrew was very "vanilla" when it came to sex; probably because he was a bit more reserved than his friends and blushed bright red whenever the topic was brought up. In reality, there were lots of things Andrew was interested in doing sex wise, he just hadn't previously had a partner that he felt comfortable divulging that information too. Plus there was the whole being-in-love-with-your-best-friend-who-happens-to-be-a-boy stuff that he had to grapple with. On top of that Andrew just didn't want to hear about other people's sex lives, much less discuss his own in a group setting. That type of stuff was private and he didn't like the idea of twenty million people knowing what he liked to get up to in bed. So he was stuck with being "Vanilla" and getting gently teased by Shane which had never really bothered him until he'd started his relationship with Garrett. With Garrett, everything had just slotted neatly into place and Andrew no longer felt awkward or uncomfortable about expressing certain things he would like to do or try when it came to sex.

"Can I tie you up?" he'd nervously blurted out one evening when they were halfway through an American Horror Story marathon, "Not now, I mean, but, like, when we're in bed?"

Thankfully he needn't have been nervous at all because Garrett had been very enthusiastic about his suggestion and they'd carefully planned out what they were going to do. He'd even remained cheerful when Andrew had accidentally tied the knots too tight and had to cut him free from the headboard with a kitchen knife.

"This is just like Geralds Game," he'd said excitedly as Andrew had hurriedly sawed through the old piece of cord they'd used, "Except without the serial killer or a dog trying to eat me."

After that Andrew had become a lot more confident about telling Garrett what he liked in the bedroom and they'd had a lot of fun trying out new things together. The flip side was that Garrett was curious about everything and Andrew was usually more than happy to go along with him; Garrett had a very vivid imagination. However, that still didn't mean he was entirely too sure about role-playing an alien. When Andrew thought of aliens his mind automatically went to giant acid spitting creatures, because why wouldn't it, and things bursting out of peoples chests. Was that what Garrett was expecting him to do? How would that even work though? Aliens were scary, not sexy and Andrew couldn't quite get to grips with what Garrett clearly found such a turn on. Maybe he was supposed to dress up? But where would he even get an outfit like that from? Perhaps Garrett was thinking more along the lines of E.T but that little creature that everyone seemed to love so much gave Andrew the creeps. Even though he knew he could always say "this is too weird even for us" Andrew didn't want to make Garrett feel embarrassed or upset that his suggestion hadn't gone over very well. Much like himself, Garrett hadn't had many sexual partners and he'd mentioned offhandedly that he'd always just gone along with whatever the other guy wanted to do for fear of being dumped and left on his own again.

"I just didn't want them to think I was weird," Garrett had admitted when Andrew had asked him about it, "Or weirder."

Perhaps what was troubling him the most was the fear that he would somehow get it all wrong, because the downside to Garrett's vast imagination was that sometimes things didn't quite live up to expectation for him. Everything had to be exactly as he pictured which was half the reason why he spent so long editing his videos. Andrew had seen first hand how disappointed Garrett could get when whatever was in his head wasn't translating to what he wanted to put on screen. He couldn't stand to see that same disappointed look when he inevitably sucked at pretending to be a sexy alien. Pulling into the driveway of Garrett's apartment, he set about googling alien outfits in the hope he might suddenly be struck with some inspiration.

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