Chapter One

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Hey guys thing chapter is mainly just like half way through More Than Survive! Welp lets get on with the story...WHOoP!
Jungkook's POV

"C-C-C-Come on C-C-C-Come on GO GO!" I say screaming at my computer waiting for it to load.

"Never mind now I have to go to school! Great time to be uncomfortable all day!" I groan.

Honestly though being uncomfortable was kind of the normal for me. I'm always feeling weird and super strange. If I wasn't my life would probably be a mess! I'm honestly at my best when freaking out.

I hurry up and rush down stairs. I look over and spot my dad. Oh lord... "Dad what are you doing!?!?" I scream.

"Oh come on son we're all men in this house!" My dad exclaims.

"Just...when I come home...please be wearing pants" I beg.

He wasn't wearing pants! Are you kidding me!? He never actually does. It's so embarrassing! Oh crap I got to go!

Should I take the bus or walk instead!? Oh lord! I'm freaking out! Stop! Weigh the options calmly and be still. Being a Jr on the school bus is weak! Although if a do walk to school I'm gonna stink! Ugh I can't pick! Maybe I'll just take the bus! Yeah!

The bus the rushes past me.

I missed it! Now I have to run! Great!

I start running all the way to school. I finally arrive. Time to get past the halls! "So then Jung Hoseok said Rosé told Yoongi 'I'll only have sex with you if you beat me at pool' and then she lost at pool...deliberately" Kim Seokjin, one of the most popular boys in school gossiped.

"That is so awesome!" Kim Namjoon, Jin's best friend said.


"I mean sluty!"

"And then Rosé was all like-" Hoseok, who knows everything about everyone said jumping into their conversation.

"IM TELLING THE STORY HOSEOK-" Jin says as I accidentally bump into him, "Oh my god he is like totally getting off on that"

At that moment I bump into Jimin, the shortest and one of the most popular people in school. "Hey! Don't touch me tall ass!" Jimin snaps.

"Oh sorry I was just trying to get to my locker-" I whisper.

"Hey yo Yoongi! What's the story with Rosé!?" Jimin interrupts me when he sees Yoongi, his best friend and the most popular student in this school.

"I probably shouldn't say...but it's a good thing a rock at pool!" Yoongi smirks.

I finally make it through the hallway till a poster catches my eye. I go to look at it making sure nobody can see me.

It's a sign up for the after school play! Oh wait no I mean it's a sign up sheet for getting called gay. That's definitely not what I need right now!

I hang a left. I see the one the only- "Jisoo...Jisoo...Jisoo...Kim Jiso-" I accidentally say outloud.

"Excuse me? Did you say something?" Jisoo, my crush asks.

I just stand there.

""Ummm I think there's something on your backpack? Boyf? What does that even mean?"

"I-I-umm..." I stutter then run away.

Good job Jungkook that was super smooth! Well I guess no point in wallowing in my sorrows. Except for the fact that you'll be a lonely virgin forever! Ugh!!!

I make my way to the cafeteria thinking depressing thoughts about being forever alone. Someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and see me best friend! "TAEHYUNG!!!" I scream.
I hope you liked this chapter I wrote it really late and night. Now I need some sleep so good night! I purple you~~~

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