Chapter 3

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So Ik I gave the hint of it's from japan in the last chapter but then I kinda got lost with I Love Play Rehearsal's scene so sorry! WHOoP!
Jungkook's POV

Alright it's time to go to play rehearsal do not act stupid! I walk into the auditorium. "Yo!" I say to Jisoo.

Ugh come on Jungkook you had one job! "Yo!" Jisoo says with a smile.

"I-Is this where you meet for the play?"

"No it's where you meet for the swim team," Wait what did she just say, "I'm joking, I'm joking!"

Of course she was just joking now say something intelligent! "Well umm...I'm Jungkook!" I say voice cracking.

Are you serious!? Why can't I speak like a normal human!? Now everything's gonna be awkward between us! There was a long awkward pause.

"Are you ok?" Jisoo asked.

No I'm dying. "Huh...umm yes I mean what?" I say.

Smooth Jungkook real smooth! "You just...seem nervous..."

"What no I umm...always sweat this much?" I say in more a question.

Seriously? "I get it! You're a virgin!" Jisoo exclaims.

Wait how did she-is it that obvious? "First play rehearsal!" She smiles.

Oh...wait what? "You...think I'm nervous about rehearsal?" I ask.

"Yeah why else would you be so scared? I'm jealous honestly! You never forget your first play rehearsal!" She sighs.

"You really like rehearsal?" I ask showing my bunny smile.

"I love play rehearsal! It's honestly the best and so much fun! I get depressed when I'm not in rehearsal-NOT LIKE KILLING MYSELF DEPRESSED IM NOT INTO SELF HARM OR ANYTHING YOU CAN CHECK MY ARM OR SOMETHING! Play rehearsal just...makes me feel whole and apart of something. Why am I telling this to you? I guess there's a part of me that wants to!" Jisoo rambled eyes brightening every time she said play rehearsal.

I was about to say something but then I hear. "You know Jisoo you're acting is pretty amazing! Your past roles were so mesmerizing! It's obvious you have a passion for this thing. When you played...shit what's it called...Juliet that one time it was amazing. You're really good and other shit like that." Yoongi came in and said happily with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Oh...well thank you Yoongi! That's so sweet of you!" Jisoo exclaims blushing.

I feel my heart sink. I should just leave play rehearsal can wait. Jisoo and Yoongi continued talking and I just left.

You know what! I don't give a shit about being popular anymore! All I want is for Jisoo to realize I'm even alive! Ugh!

I walk into the bathroom and see...Jimin? He's freaking out. What happened?
So next chapter will 100% be from Japan~~~

Honestly tho I can't stop listening to The Squip Song! If you guys haven't heard it yet then go listen to it cause it's so catchy! You'll also have an idea what the next chapter will be about!

Anyways I purple you~~~

Forgotten Friendship Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon