Chapter 4

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Hiiiii~ I'm back bitch! Play the song above at a certain part of the story I'll put in this 🎵 to warn you when you should play it!

"Jimin," I ask and Jimin looks at me, "You know what never mind I'm just gonna go-"

"Don't move" Jimin turned around and fully faced me.

"You don't remember me freshman year do you?" He asks face expressionless.

"Jimin you weren't here freshman year..." I'm so confused.

Jimin starts beating the wall. What the actual fuck is going on!?! "YES I WAS!" He stops, "You just don't remember...nobody does..."
A/N:🎵 Wait to read until you're like 5 seconds into the song just trust me!!!!
Jimin walks over to me. Is he gonna kick me ass? Jimin's face returns to normal. "Freshman year I didn't have a girlfriend or a clue I was I loser just like you good times would only soar by" Jimin said.

"I was gross as every female would attest my sexting was a futile quest. My little penis was depressed, he was so lonely...poor guy!" Jimin strangely admits.

Seriously wtf is going o-my thoughts are interrupted by Jimin laughing "I was hopeless, hopeless I was helpless,helpless every time I walked the hallway I would trip! I was stagnant and idle! I was so suicidal!" Ok what is this!

"And then, then then," what, "then then," is he gonna keep repeating then, "then then," whats is fucking happening, "I got a squip!!!" Jimin finally reveals.

Did he say quick or something else? "You got quick!?" I ask.

"Not quick...squip"Jimin corrects.

"I've just never heard of it before"

"That's the point this is some top secret can't even look it up on the internet shit!"

What kind of drugs is he taking!? Jimin looks directly at me and speaks in a creepy, quiet voice, "It's from Japan. It's a grey oblong pill, quantum nanotechnology cpu. The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood until it implants in your brain and it tells you what to do"

Oh shit he is taking drugs!!! "So it's like...drugs?" I ask

Jimin smirks, "It's better than drugs Jungkook"

The shit does that mean. Jimin has moved to a side of the bathroom and he looks like he's gonna scream. "ITS FROM JAPAAAANNNN! ITS A GREY OBLONG PILL QUANTUM NANOTECHNOLOGY CPU! THE QUANTUM COMPUTER IN THE PILL WILL TRAVEL TO YOUR BLOOD UNTIL IT IMPLANTS IN YOUR BRAIN AND IT TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO!" Jimin screams voice robot like.


"Helps you to be cool it helps you rule! Picture this nobody cares if you are late cause even teachers think you're great your weekends just a full on slate of blowout benders! Of teenage rockstar splendors!" Jimin says voice normal now.

"Right now your helpless, helpless you are almost hopeless on the school social map you're just a blimp but if you take my advice and if you pay the listed price well then you'll go from sad to interesting to hip yeah your whole life will flip when you buy a squip!" Jimin just insulted me in the weirdest way he ever has...

"No longer a drip when you got in your grip a squip a squip yeah!" Jimin shouts.
So as you can probably tell I tried not to change to much considering I love this song too much! It has my 3rd favorite line in it ( First is Micheal talking about his 2 moms and 2nd is Micheal saying to Jermey "Will you still have time for m-video games-") "It's better than drugs Jeremy"

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