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To be honest I wasn't expecting this. I thought it would be someone different, I didn't even think of him being a possibility.

"You must be Nishiki-san, I'm your new guardian but you can call me Mizuki-sensei." The traitor gave me what seemed like a warm smile but I knew it was all an act.

It never occurred to me that my guardian would be a traitor although it could have been much worse. Just imagine if Kabuto was to be my guardian, a direct subordinate of the snake watching over me. I don't think I could hide my knowledge of the show from someone like him.

Mizuki on the other hand, I might just get by.

"Ohayo Mizuki-sensei." I greeted him.

My hands grew clammy as his smile widened, "I hope you don't mind if we stay at your apartment during your recovery. My house is a total mess!"

"Sure as long as you know where it is." I replied cooly. We left the hospital and I savoured the feeling of the wind pushing past me.

Mizuki talked to me about the academy and how I would be re-enrolled due to my incident. From their I would be assigned a new team. He even explained that if I wanted to he would teach me privately as I was already a genin once before.

I declined that offer.

"This is the building." We stopped before a relatively modern apartment complex. There were twelve floors in total each equipped with their own balcony. "Your apartment should be on the fifth floor."

We went inside and walked ever so slowly up the stairs until we reached the fifth floor.

My apartment was the third one from the stairway with the top of the doorframe labeled Apt. 58.

"Nagi-kun, in youthfulness I took it upon myself to protect your mail until your arrival!" Rock Lee's apartment seemed to be across from mine...

I paused once I realized he added kun instead of Chan. Was he not aware of my gender? "Thank you..." I took the mail from his hands anyway.

"No problem! I would be ashamed of myself if I knowingly let someone take such a youthful spirit's mail!" He struck a pose whilst his eyes sparkled. "If you need anything you only need to ask!"

"I'm grateful?"

Lee nodded to himself a disappeared back into apartment 56.

"He's just like his sensei." Mizuki opened the door to my apartment with a key I can only hope was given to him by the Hokage.

"I was told TenTen from Might Guy's team is the one whose been taking care of the place while you were out." He noted.

I only nodded as I explored the apartment. I found the master bedroom, my bedroom. It had its own bathroom and walk in closet. A small desk littered with scrolls and pictures sat in the corner with a camera hanging off the chair by its strap. The bed was a twin sized one with a plain white pillow and a navy green quilt, the sheets were navy blue.

The room had a layer of thin grey carpet that complimented the dull white color of the walls but otherwise was bare.

In the hallway pictures of Nagi and what I believed to be her team, friends, and family covered the walls. There was one of team Guy and of her and Iruka sensei. Pictures everywhere.

It was clear that we shared the same interest in hobbies.

From the color of the walls to the camera located in the bedroom. We weren't all that different. It was much like my own dream home with minor differences.

"I hope you don't mind, I set up in the guest bedroom. I thought it best seeing as how we both don't know when your memories return."

"It's fine."

He clapped his hands together. "Then I should prepare dinner for tonight. Does rice and tomatoes sound good?"

I nodded and he set to work in the kitchen.

With a sigh I made my way to my new bedroom and sorted through the scrolls on the desk. Most of them were drawings which I could not take credit for. I can't draw for shit but Nagi sure had the skill. Wonder if it passed on to me.

Time skip

The skill did pass on to me although I don't understand how. My handwriting was chicken shit in mud before but now it looks like art.

Most of the scrolls were notes written for the sole purpose of teaching recon techniques and stealth. I even found a list of Nagi's goals.

◻ Get book signed
☑ Learn sign
◻ Perfect bloodline technique
◻ Become Chunin
◻ -------------------
◻ Become Jounin
◻ Become Anbu

One of the goals was crossed out but I only took interest in the one about the bloodline technique. What was it?

The door to my bedroom creeked open. I set the list of goals under a scroll and turned to meet Mizuki's curious face.

"Nagi-kun dinners ready. Whatcha got their?" He glanced at the desk of papers with a raised brow.

"A bunch of notes and pictures."

He seemed satisfied by my answer and nodded. "Well dinner won't stay hot for long."

"Alright." I gave one last look at my desk before following the soon traitor to the kitchen. True to his words, two plates of rice and tomatoes were awaiting us.

We sat at the table, each one at either side. He gave me a small smile and in return I looked down and smiled at my soup in a mocking fashion.

He had yet to catch onto my attitude towards him. To him, I was merely 'expressive' with a fondenss of gestures. No matter how inappropriate.

I practically stabbed the man with my middle finger one day and he only smiled and said, "be careful when you practice hand signs like that."

He was either a master of ignorance or a great actor.

(Naruto Fanfic) How I Somehow Crossed DimensionsWhere stories live. Discover now