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Turns out the answers I saw, Iruka was too blind to see. He made me stay until I finally gave up and told him what he wanted to hear. After that I traced over the answers and gave it to him. He was happy to tell me that I got a hundred but at this point I was already mentally dead inside.

The fact that the sun would be down in less than an hour told me I had been held captive longer than I'd originally thought. Mizuki had stopped by and joked about my testing techniques.

In the end I was not amused. The night was quickly upon us and I cheered at the sleep I'd be getting once I made it to the house.

Only one problem. Teleporting to the academy did not mean I automatically knew the way home. I had no idea where I was.

"Nagi-Chan, I thought you'd be out here. Sorry I forgot but Mizuki asked me to escort you home." Iruka walked out of the academy with a sheepish grin.

I crossed my arms and huffed. How long did it take him to remember? I've only been outside for thirty minutes.

"He also told me to pass on his apology for this morning." He added.

Since I'm tired and at this point, dying of sleep deprivation, I couldn't give two rightful shits on anything. Everything coming out of Iruka's mouth was falling on irritable ears.

"That's nice. Mind taking me home now?" My voice was slightly hoarse from a long day of disappointment.

He blanched. "H-Hai."

The walk was quiet, something I was thankful for.

Once I was familiar with the surroundings I waved him off, "I got it from here."

Iruka stopped and stared eyes wide.

I don't care. I made my way into my apartment. Mizuki was laying the last components of dinner on the table when I shut the door.

"Sorry I forgot-"

"I'll be eating in my room." I interrupted. Picking up a plate of whatever the fuck he made I didn't hesitate to walk in my room.

Upon arrival I set the plate on my desk and flopped onto my bed. Sleep took care of everything else. Tomorrow I'd have a better day, hopefully.


What. The. Hell.

I awoke to an irritable ringing. It was constant, high pitch, and was great at waking me up and putting me in the shittiest of moods. The damned alarm clock.

It wasn't on for 2 seconds before I tossed it at the window.

The window was closed.

The window busted.

My mood took a whopping defeat, plunging into angsty depression. Would anything go right today?

As if to answer my question Mizuki barged in, kunai at the ready in nothing but his boxers.

The image alone was scarring my mind.

"Nope. I'm not going to school. Fuck it. I left home, forgot the way to the academy, never got there. Excuse success: probably 100% or not, I don't care. I'm done." I shook my head.

To top that, I was cramping. Hard. Puberty, my enemy, welcome back, How have you been?

"Uh Nagi-Chan?" Mizuki questioned.

I put my hands up to stop him, "not anymore. That was before. I'm a new person and therefore I'm tired of being reminded that I'm disappointing people with my lack of memory. My name is Sam."


I cleared my throat, "my name is Sam, and Sam Mathias Kale wants nothing to do with anyone but herself today."

Mizuki's eyebrows reached his hairline. His black and white striped boxers had little red hearts in places which for some reason made me feel better but knowing who he was, the humor wasn't long lasting.

"I'll go in early and tell Iruka your sick..."

"Yeah, you do that." I layed back down and covered my face with the pillow. I'll get up later.

Thirty minutes of laying in bed and I heard Mizuki leave for the academy. Now I can be grumpy and leave my room without having to deal with animated evil guys.

To think I used to dream about what it would be like to live in Naruto and now I am.

But it fucking sucks so far.

You'd think they'd have internet here seeing as how they have tv, cellphones and bluetooth, and all that other shit, but no. Internet what?

It doesn't exist.

I tried getting in touch with that crappy spirit god guy who put me in this mess in the first place and guess what? No response. You'd think the guy would be interested in his little guinea pig experiment.

"DAMN IT!" I roared when I noticed the stitches on my stomach had reopened and stained the bed sheets.

So even though I felt like complete and absolute shit, I got up, slid my sandles on, and basically wondered around town till I found the hospital.

When I entered the receptionist did a double take. "Nishiki-Chan!"

"My stitches opened." My voice was so low I found myself thinking about going into opera. I could do it. I shout and scream on the daily so I have the qualifications I think.

"You look terrible!" She commented.

"Wow, thanks."

The receptionist led me away to the ER. When she left me alone to get some fresh bandages another guy walked in. He had a flask in his hand and gave me a once over. "Holy shit kid. What happened to you?"

"Kill me. Kill me now." I basically pleaded.

He gave a whistle in acknowledgment. "You know what? Here, you need this more than me."

The weird man gave me his flask before leaving. I stared at it incredulously. Hesitantly I took off the cap and smelled the contents.

Fuck whiskey this man was drinking pure vodka. In a hospital. That man is boss.

Deciding it best to save it for a later date I stuffed it in the back of my pants. The nurse came in with another nurse and patched me up skillfully.

"Don't push yourself. The more they rip open the more harsh the scar will be." One scolded.

They finished not long after they started and let me sign myself out.

"Take it easy!" The receptionist called after me.

Too bad for her. With the way things are now I'm bound to have die one way or another before the week ends.

I wasn't 10 feet from the door before I was stopped by a familiar looking dickbag. No, it wasn't Mizuki. No it wasn't Sasuke.

"Caught you. No point in running, your fate is sealed. You should have considered the consequences of skipping school." Neji fucking Hyuuga with his ray of pitch black personality held his hand out and roughly pushed me to a stop.

"I'm not skipping and I'm not in the mood to be pushed around kid. I'm tired and I don't have time to deal with destiny obsessed fucks with daddy issues." I didn't hold back.

I was fucking done.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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