Chapter 17~!

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I couldn't help clapping excitedly as I watched Poland fly through the air like a skilled bird. He really did have his old moves back! Performing the maneuvers around him were two unlikely countries: Sweden and Jack. All three of them looked extremely professional up there together, and the sight gave me confidence that they would do an exceptional job at drawing out the enemy's aircraft.

I did feel bad that it was so late in the afternoon, though. After Poland had woken me up at my desk, I'd fallen asleep for a good six or seven hours. Nobody blamed me, though, and I knew that; after all, I had managed to finish my rought draft of the base's floor plan. My head was hurting like crazy, though... A task like that had taken quite a lot of digging around in my brain.

Nevertheless, as I watched the three small but powerful aircraft wheeling through the air, I knew that our plan was really taking shape as it came together. The "project" was far from being seamless, but it was actually looking possible. Maybe we'd be able to head out to Brazil by tomorrow!


"It's not going to be easy moving everyone from here to Brazil," England stated solemnly. It was the middle of the evening meeting on that same day, and I was attending along with Miliana and Willow. Our other siblings were out working on other parts of the set-up, such as procuring weapons and supplies to help us last through the mission. 

It shouldn't take that long, though. Maybe a day if we all did our job correctly and efficiently.

"If W.O.R.L.D. is as much of a threat as they are, then we can be sure they will be vigilant. I wouldn't be surprised if they had knowledge of the major shipping routes and flight paths of most airlines," my uncle finished. 

"So, ve need to decide how to get us all to Brazil vizhout tripping zheir alarm system," Germany summarized. "Smaller aircraft might be able to go undetected."

"But how many small planes would it take to get the entire operation team there?" Willow interjected. "A larger amount of smaller carriers would still be an anomaly, and it would probably set off their alarms."

"Then how about one or two larger carriers disguised as a shipment of goods from another country?" Russia piped up (yeah, a pun) suddenly. "We could land it farther away from the base and sneak up on it on foot."

"I like that idea," I agreed. "We'd just have to make sure that it's a very good disguise, because if a W.O.R.L.D. guy happened to see that it wasn't a real shipment then our cover owuld be nullified."

"Prease, arrow me to take care of the disguise," Japan offered. "I am sure that I can manage forging the cover."

"Zhat's vunderbar," Germany replied. "Alright, zhen zhat vill be your job from now on. Und how has procuring our veapons coming along, Russia?"

"Oh, very well," Russia answered. "I have Latvia and a few others cataloging it all right now."

"You found enough guns and grenades for all of the teams?" England inquired incredulously. "In so short a time?"

"More than enough, actually," Russia replied. "We won't need to get much more if we happen to do something like this again~"

"Yay!" I cheered softly, pumping a fist in the air. "Go Russia~"

"Alice, zhe floor plans?" Germany asked, and I presented him the folder with the schematics and diagrams that Veneziano and I had worked on late into the night. The reason he hadn't been asleep along with me was that I had told him it was perfectly alright if he went to bed ahead of me; I would have been fine with staying up later to finish everything.

Ludwig flipped through them and nodded. "Ja, zhese look gut. Danke."

"Bitte," I answered immediately, without even thinking, along with a weak salute. Yeah, German was also one of the languages I had nearly perfected over my six years of being on the run. It was a good thing the countries couldn't just somehow know when other nations were in their country. That would have made my attempts at hiding utterly useless.

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