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  • Dedicated to The Birdie Forest



Guys, I don't even know what to say now that we're here again. The end of another book that I put my heart and soul into. The "Home" trilogy is over, but it won't be forgotten, I'm sure. It's touched me and affected my life, for better or for worse.

And this is the part where I thank you all for your wonderful support and encouragement! Every time you left a comment with your nice thoughts and kind words telling me to update again soon, I knew I was doing something good. It's been an incredible journey with you all, and I thank you for letting me take that journey and discover things about myself that I never even knew were there to begin with.

To my fellow authors and co-authors, writers and inspirers, I give you so much gratitude. The trilogy wouldn't be here without you. You've helped me grow in my skills as well as a person, and you guys are the LEGIT BEST FRIENDS I could have asked for! 

To my parents, even though they won't read this, I'm also really grateful that you would be willing to listen to me rant or rave every so often without shutting me down. I know I'm a pain in the neck sometimes, and a lazy ball of misdirected energy, but you guys still love me and I can hardly believe it. Really, I don't deserve it and I love you both so much.

To my readers, my Birdies, you're awesome. Seriously! I don't care what you're going through right now (except that I actually do care, don't get me wrong) or what may be bringing you down, but




And there's no argument to be made against that! You've put up with my shenanigans willingly (for some reason) and still don't run away in the opposite direction. For that, I thank you.

I also would like to apologize to all the owners of whatever I've referenced without permission. You know, Disney and BBC and all of those guys? Yeah, sorry about that. I don't intend to do you any harm by making references! Just think of it as free advertisement ;)

Only a short time after I began writing this story, I had an epiphany about it, and I thought it would be a good thing to share with you. See, this trilogy as a whole is like a projection of myself and my developing mentality, from the ages of 14-17. 

Book one, 14-15: I was younger, more carefree, a little bit ignorant but blissful nonetheless. My writing skills were a little unrefined and in need of some work, to say the least. Still, it was a welcoming, easier start to the journey.

Book two, 15-16: I start to become a little less ignorant and a little more jaded. My writing is better and the plot is more concise, but darker things begin to take place. Plus, I have a bout of depression almost halfway through the story because of a rather life-changing transition I had to make in the middle of writing this book. My outlook on life becomes a bit more bleak because of the rough things I'm dealing with all of a sudden.

Book three, 16-17: I'm much less ignorant, a good deal jaded, and my writing skills have never been better. The book ends sadly but with a note of hope still there because I'm starting to recover from that depression, thanks to the small things I have to look forward to every so often.

I'm not trying to scare you with the idea of growing up. I'm just trying to explain to you how this trilogy is like a piece of my soul that's matured alongside me in the real world. I can hardly describe the emotions I feel for this concept in my head, but it is magical. In Harry Potter terms, this trilogy would be one of my horcruxes because it really does have a piece of my soul inside. Writing this series has changed me, and I get the feeling that it has changed me for the better.

So... I guess that's about it for me. I probably won't give up on writing just yet, if ever, but I do have a lot to take care of now that my life is getting closer and closer to a big leap of change. So, if you're of the praying type, I would appreciate some prayer for emotional stability and general support. Thank you so much!

With that all being said, I officially cut the ribbon on the end of the "Home" trilogy! It's been an almost three-year trip, but it's been so worth it. 

And have no fear, because one does not simply leave the Hetalia fandom. I'll always be here, my Birdies.

With so much love for you all,



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