Chapter 31~!

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That spell of depression that had fallen over me-- thanks to my sudden and unexplained nightmare about being judged for my past actions-- finally lifted, allowing me to focus on what was important: W.O.R.L.D. Those bastards needed to pay for their actions, but the best way to keep them from getting leverage on us was to reclaim our kidnapped allies.

To do my part, I was looking scrupulously at a copy of the map Sarah had drawn on. More specifically, the circled bases in Africa were my main focal point. Which one held my ex-husband, if any of them did at all?

I could only imagine that this was something similar to how it felt when Canada was looking so intently for me when I was swept away to another dimension. I'd thought I was Carlea there... What a weird world that had been.

But I digress.

It was as if I'd temporarily deluded myself into thinking that just by staring at the map, the answer would reveal itself to me magically. "If you were psychic paper, I would declare you broken," I told the map. Of course it didn't reply.


"Oh, hey! Speaking of psychic..." I said to myself. Two people had come to mind when I said "psychic," and they were Rayn and the W.O.R.L.D. agent we'd caught in the last raid. Maybe something had been forced out of her by then! I wouldn't know until I asked Rayn, so I was off to find her a moment later.

I found Alfred before I found Rayn, so I asked him where she was right then.

"She's resting right now," he answered. "Interrogating that spy really took it out of her."

"Well, she was using her abilities, right?" I said. "It's only natural."

"Yeah, dudette. I know," Al agreed. "Why'd you wanna know where she is?"

"'Cause I'm wondering if we managed to get anything out of her," was my reply. "So, did we? Anything useful?"

"Well, sort of," my brother said, reaching one hand back to scratch the back of his neck for a second. "But also not really. It's hard to get the info out of her head, according to Rayn. Satsuki-- that's the spy's first name-- she's apparently really good at keeping her mind off of what we want to know. It's almost scary, to be honest."

"But do you think you'll get anything out of her with time?" I pressed in the hopes that there was a little bit of a silver lining left.

"'Course, dude!" he cheered. "We're the heroes here, aren't we?"

"Yup," I agreed with a smile. 

"Oh, and by the way," he added a second later. 


"You wouldn't happen to know where a couple of my ice cream cartons wandered off to, would you?"

I kept up my poker face. "You brought ice cream with you when you came here?"

He frowned in disappointment. "I guess you don't know, then. Darn. Okay, talk to you later, Sis."

Alfred was starting to walk away when I piped up with, "Where's the fire, chief?"

"Gonna go play with Lou!" was his excited reply. "I haven't had the chance to for way long!"

"Have fun with that," I said, waving farewell to him. He returned it and kept going on his way to the dorm building.

'It almost feels like we're back at Gakuen, just a little bit' I thought to myself. 'We're all here in one place, and there isn't really that much fighting like at world meetings. And there's a cafeteria with a bunch of different culturally diverse foods... At least I don't have to hide my gender from the school. Haha!' 

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