Does This Big Major Ugly Idiot Think This is a Date?

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Wow, so whom I just called a big major ugly idiot really is a big major ugly idiot?!

"Jackson," I signed, irritated. "We are just friends."

"Well, according to Harry in When Harry Met Sally, men and woman can never really be friends without being attracted to each other," Jackson said.

"Oh my god, are you really quoting a stupid rom com movie? Well, guess what? Rom coms are not real life. In real life, men and woman can really just be friends! I'm out of here. If all you wanted is to get a girlfriend, then I'm not your girl."

I pushed back my chair and stormed out of of Wendy's.

Jackson got up and ran after me. "Piper! Wait!"

I slammed the door and started to walk home. I got all the way to the next block before I heard loud footsteps behind me. I looked over my shoulder, and sure enough it was Jackson running after me.

I rolled my eyes. "Took you long enough."

"I had to pay first before I just ran after you!"

I crossed my arms, waiting for more words to come out of that big major ugly idiot's mouth.

"Look, I like you, okay?" Breathing hard, he put his hands on his knees and looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of his. "I have never really done this before. I've never really talked to a beautiful girl before. I normally just avoid beautiful girls because they are way out of my league. But something about you made me want to talk to you. Some powerful force pulls me to you, and I don't know if I can stop it. What I said in there...that wasn't me speaking. My nervousness took over me and I wasn't myself. So, Piper, will you do me the honor of being my friend?"

I smirked, putting my hands on my hips. "You could have just asked if we can be friends."

He chuckled, and I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

I guess this big major ugly idiot is my friend now.

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