Just Acquaintances

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Jackson's POV

Piper walked out of the house, her red hair bouncing like a basketball on her shoulders. I could feel butterflies swarming in my stomach and my heart palpitating in my chest. 

She looked back at me, red hair swishing around her shoulder and her blue eyes sparkling and beautiful. And it was then I thought this girl might give me a heart attack

"Stop starring at me," Piper signed. "It's kind of creepy."

She smirked, making the corner of my mouth rise up. Her eyes gazed into mine and I swear I could see the universe. 

Grinning, my mom said, "Go for a walk, you lovebirds." 

Piper burst out laughing. "We are hardly lovebirds." 

"Hmm," I said, walking towards her. "Really? What are we then?" 


"Oh, do you even have a heart? I thought we were at least friends." I fake pouted, walking away from the house. 

 She started walking on the sidewalk. "Nope. Just acquaintances." 

Her head turned towards mine, the yellow light from the streetlights glowing on her face. She moved a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. She was like no other girl I met before. She was unique, passionate, funny, and she had a beautiful soul. She had a beautiful smile, beautiful eyes....beautiful everything. 

"Wow," I said, amazed by her gorgeousness. I walked up to her side.


"You're beautiful." 

Blushing, she said, "That's something acquaintances would not say to each other."

I chuckled lightly, looking over at her beautiful grin.

Shockingly, she intertwined her fingers with mine. 

"Is holding hands something acquaintances do?" I asked.

"Hush," she signed with one hand, putting her finger to my lips, making my heart beat even faster. "You're ruining the moment." 

We walked to her home hand in hand. 

And it was then that I realized:

I think I'm falling in love with her.

Piper's POV

When we got to my house, Aunt Becky was sitting on the front porch starring at us. 

"I have been waiting for you all night!" My aunt yelled. "And here you are...with some boy!" 

I frowned. Jackson was not just some boy. "It's not what it looks like."

"Yeah, we're just friends." Jackson added on. 

"More like acquaintances," I signed. Jackson chuckled quietly.

A green vein bulged on top of my aunt's forehead. It appears whenever she's angry, which is rarely. The only times she's gotten angry is when the rest of my family refuses to come visit her house at Christmas to see me and when I get home later than curfew. My curfew was at 9:00, and I've tried countless times to persuade her make my curfew later but was never successful.  She insisted that I was more vulnerable to harassment because I was mute. If I came home even a minute later than 9:00 (God forbid an hour and a half later), she would go ballistic. Aunt Becky was a warm, loving woman, but she could be strict when she wanted to be. 

"What's your name, boy?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Jackson," he stepped forward, extending his hand, "You must be Piper's lovely mother."

My aunt gave him a quizzical look. "I'm Piper's aunt."

"Oh!," Jackson said, probably feeling like an idiot. "Then you must be a lovely aunt." 

"And she is," I replied, trying to keep my aunt from talking and embarrassing Jackson even more.

Jackson rubbed his neck. "We are partners in writing camp. We were just working on a project together. I promise." 

"And was the project writing love letters to each other?" Aunt Becky asked jokingly, grabbing my hand. "Thank you for walking Piper home, Jackson. You can leave now."

"Aunt Becky, please don't be mad at Jackson. He--"

"Shut up! He's not the one I'm mad at. Get inside!"

Jackson looked at me and mouthed "I'm sorry" and then somberly walked away.

And my stomach became full of butterflies.

And my heart fluttered. 

And my hand yearned to be held by his once more.

What this feeling....love? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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