Not-So-Super Hero - Description

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One day, people with extraordinary powers started appearing all around the world. This became more frequent as the years passed, soon enough, people started using those powers for evil. With the sudden rise of villains, there had to be heroes to stop them from wrecking havoc.


Elizabeth Matchfield wanted to die, simple as that. With her family dead and her friends gone, all she had was some minimum wage job and weekly villain attacks keeping her going. One day, some new criminal group decides a grocery store would be perfect to rob, just to lure out the famed hero "Thunderbolt".

After he shows up and saves Eliza from getting killed, she snaps at him for it then gets herself caught up in another villain's plan. With all the problems her self-destruction causes for him, Thunderbolt makes it his goal to help her.


"This is what, the third time I've had to save you? You're always putting yourself in danger."

"Maybe I don't want to be saved."


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