Broken Coffee Mugs - Chapter 1

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     "Dude, you've been staring at the cash register for 10 minutes, unless you're gonna steal from it or fuck it you should probably stop." Blurted out a tall girl, as she finished making herself a coffee behind a brunet who seemed to be falling asleep standing. Leaning against the counter and taking a sip of the burning liquid, she lightly kicked the tired boy with her foot, making him stumble and glare at her.

     "Shut up Elise, your mom buys you mega blocks instead of legos," hissed the boy as he brushed imaginary dirt from his pants, "I bet they aren't even mega blocks. They're just the crappy lemon squares that Karen made and nobody wanted to eat them because Karen's a hoe."

     With an offended gasp, the newly dubbed Elise slapped a hand onto her chest and lectured, "We don't speak of Karen in this good christian household Adrian, I thought I raised you better than this." Soon after saying that, she started pouring a small 5-hour energy drink into her cup of coffee. Adrian shot her a glance then rolled his eyes as Elise took a huge sip of her unholy concoction, after working at her cafe for 4 years Adrian became desensitized to Elise's bullshit.

      As Adrian got the cafe ready for customers, the bell chimed and a short guy wearing a scarf shuffled in grumbling about being awake at the ungodly hour of 5:00am. Once Elise noticed him, she chugged her drink and yote the mug in his direction with the force of a thousand angry Karens. The guy's brown eyes widened and he tried to move away as quick as possible but alas, he's too fucking slow, like a fucking turtle. As the mug slammed into his shoulder, he dramatically screeched and fell to the floor wheezing in pain.

     "God dAMMIT ELISE YOU STINKY BITCH!" Yelled the angry ball of pain on the ground.

     Elise ignored his screaming and politely said, "Hi, welcome to Chilis!" with a bright smile on her face. "Chill your shit Chris, at least I was nice enough to actually drink it all before yeeting that hoe at you." continued the tall bitch as she walked up to Chris.

     "Dirty slut has entered the server." stated Adrian as he slowly sweeps the floor and makes a pile of beautiful dust that would somehow get put into some asshole's coffee, the key word in that sentence being somehow.

     Soon after the broken mug is cleaned up by Adrian, Chris finally gets the strength to stand up but it takes him so long because he's a weak ass bitch. Continuing the angry shuffle he was doing before being wasted by a cup, the blond dude makes his way to the back of the cafe to get started on doing shit because I don't know what the fuck happens in a cafe, I don't have a job. What do you think I am, employed?


     A loud screech followed soon after that as a cat jumped on the counter in front of Elise, scaring the shit out of her and causing her to drop a cough drop into her new cup of coffee. "yOU UNHOLY DEMON" Screeched the overly caffeinated woman, hate flooding every word. The cat's white fur bristled in anger as it hissed at Elise, unsheathing its claws and leaping towards her to have an epic battle.

     With things slowly descending to chaos, Adrian put in his earbuds so that he wouldn't have to deal with the catastrophe in the corner and kept tidying up. After about half an hour or so of that, he noticed someone enter the cafe from the corner of his eye, so he removed his earbuds and went behind the cash register to do his job, unlike his boss who was still fighting with a cat. The first customer was a man of average height, wearing a simple dress shirt with hair neatly combed to the side, probably an office worker. His order was simple enough, a black coffee to-go. As Adrian quickly made the drink, more and more customers started lining up behind the first signifying that rush hour and officially began. Luckily Adrian wasn't left working alone during the morning, Elise had finally stopped fighting with the cat and started managing the other cash register.

     Most orders were all simple, a few complicated ones here and there but other than that everything was a repetitive cycle that Adrian didn't really mind, things went by faster. Soon enough though, rush hour ended, and there were just a few customers left sitting at tables with what they bought talking with friends or going on their phones. Noticing that there was nothing else for him to do, Adrian leaned on his elbows and closed his eyes to catch up on lost sleep. Of course, thanks to his luck, the nap wasn't as long as he had hoped. Just a mere 15 or 20 minutes of rest, sadly it was was disturbed by someone tapping on his shoulder. Slowly opening his eyes, he noticed a guy with fluffy light brown hair standing there watching him.

      "Huh? Oh, sorry, what would you like?"

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