How it happened.

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'What am I doing here? It's so dark... Cold... Please help me.'

A blinding light, it hurts, what is this place? I open my eyes to see myself back in bed.

'It was just a dream.' I thought.

I get out of bed and head downstairs, what I find surprises me.

"Mom, I'm up!" I say rather loudly... No reply, where is she?

'Probably on a walk.' I tell myself. Just so you know, I don't like being alone. I get myself an apple, and it tastes REALLY old.

"GAHG!!!" I spat out the chunk, and gulp, I've heard Herobrine legends where he leaves one person in a village knocked out for days until they go insane. I just hope it Isn't changed at all like the apple was.


How long has it been?!? As I walk around the disfigured form of what once was a swing set, I make the mistake of looking up, there was a crow which symbolizes bad luck in my village. I quickly walk past hoping to get away from it, but its following me. I take a swerve to the right and cross my fingers that its gone, but as i look up it caws and flies away.

That's when something hard hits my head and I black out, feeling myself hit the ground.


I wake up with a stone brick wall in my face and a welt on the back of my head of a decent size.

"Hello?" A voice says.

"Mmhmm?" I grunt in the voices general direction as I try to get up.

"No! Don't move, you've taken a big bonk to the head."

I lay back down. It did hurt pretty bad.

"My names Bugsbelvania, or Bugs if you like."

I look towards him and what I see scares the living crap out of me. It was my cousin!

"Is it really you bugs?"

"M-Masonic?!?" Bugs replied.

"Dude, you know I like to be called Mason!"

"Then y-yes! It is technically me!"

"Wait, what do you mean technically?" I asked suspiciously.


He then hesitantly spread his wings. wait, WINGS?!?

"Dude! What happened?" I asked while his eyes turned electric blue and he grew fangs.

"Well, if you're done gaping, i'll tell you. I'm a lightning dragon hybrid." He said rather casually.

"What is this place?" I ask while gaping at his still spread wings.

"This is..." is all he manages when I get dragged away by some guards. I struggled to get free, but the guard brought out my worst fear, a needle. I went pale and quiet as I was dragged through some laboratory doors, where I saw numerous needles and passed out. But that wouldn't keep me hidden from the coming pain.

My minecraft hybrid life (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now