I annoy Punken >:D

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I wake up in my room, my half bed no longer half of a bed. My throat is bruised from Ty. I wanted to put something cold on it to ease the pain. A snowball randomly appears in my hand, how strange... I just shrug and put it up to my neck, it feels great! When I take it away, I feel my neck for sore spots, strangely, there is none. 'Does snow heal me?' I thought to myself. I stood up, and fell off of the bed. "OW!" I yelled as I hit the floor. However, that ow was followed by many swear words that everyone probably heard. It was noon anyway, not like I was disturbing anyone though. I put another self created snowball on the bump, and rub around the area. The bump was slowly fading away! All of a sudden, I had an evil thought, why not snowball everyone of the people in the castle? Obviously not Ty though. He probably won't take it well. I look out the window and see Punken 'talking' with another horse in her horse form. I imagined that they were flirting and made Punken say ridiculous things. I'm so evil >:D. I open the window and summon twenty snowballs total, and fly out. I near Punken and drip the snowballs. Nine out of twenty hit her. When they did, she started bucking, and then bolted away in fear. My first victim. I'm so prood! Lolololololol!

A/N: Weeeeee! I nailed Punken! So fun!

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