The Encounter

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(A/N: cue more drowsy music.) The sun rises and again, and again the screams of children fill the air. Only they sounded more frantic than usual. As I wake up more, I notice the adults shouting and the frantic clang of metal on metal. I frown and get up to be greeted by a couple of burning houses caused by some dark blue specs with what seems like Steve in the front. As he turns his head though, I see a flash of white. Herobrine. I frantically shake the others awake, which Bugs complained about, but Irene seemed to be used to be woken up by some one shaking her.

"Why now?" Bugs grumbles.

"Herobrine." is all I need mutter and the two instantly wake up. I notice Irene standing there and ask her, "Are you gonna run?"

"No." Is all she says when she gets a running start, drawing her iron sword, and jumping off the cliff. I rush up only to see her flying off on a pair of white wings. her hair and tail turned white too. I take out my iron sword and coat it with ice, which adds a little more umph to an iron sword's original attack. Bugs grabs his sword and we jump off too. As we rush to the kingdom I see the specs were squids. Most were surrounding this guy in a warrior suit with sunglasses on and some of his friends trying to hack their way into the circle, where the warrior was starting to be over whelmed. All three of us dive in and start chopping down the squids, since we all had a general disliking of them in the first place. As we attack, some of the people come onto roofs to get a glimpse of us. Some were yelling 'Angels!' while others argued that we were demons. The circle of squids had thinned and the warrior was able to handle it now. When he had the chance, he saluted us as we went to the ground to fight. Herobrine had disappeared and left the squids. Eventually all of the squids had left or died.

"Hello" The warrior greeted.


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