6.Where is Stiles?

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The whole pack was in the Animal clinic. Stiles was nowhere to be found. Scott has showed Stiles' voice message to them.

"I think i know what we're dealing with" Dr.Deaton said

"what is it?"Corey asked 

Dr.Deaton started to tell them about the new creature that had arrived to Beacon Hills.

"An Upir. Upir are vampire-like undead creatures found in Ukraine. In some legends they are naturl enemies of werewolves. It can be assumed that they have been around a long time and turning into upir can only be genetically inherited.
After death by suicide, they become full upir, biologically immortal creatures with greatly enhanced strength, accelerated healing capabilities, as well as unnatural jaw flexibility, iron-strong teeth,  and a nearly insatiable, rabid appetite for blood. They also have ability to hypnotize.
Once a human transformed via sucide into the immortal upir, they spend months or even years adaptin their thirst for blood. The new upir has almost no self-control over their hunger."

"Can this creature even be killed?" Liam asked

"They can be killed by cremation or by removing their heart" Dr.Deaton said

"Okay.. I feel better now" Liam said.

"So..does that upir has Stiles?" Lydia asked

"Well.. If he has him, he should be dead by now" Jake chuckled

"Sorry, just a joke" Jake said.

"What if Stiles got away? he's a smart kid" Peter said.

"I'm worried about him. He's been off lately." Scott said

"I talked with him yesterday.  He texted me at like...5 a.m. We met and he was... he was strange. He has sleeping problems and told me i didn't understood him- and that.. something terrible was going to happen."Lydia said

"Yesterday when we gathered here he told me he sees Scott's dead girlfriend in his dreams" Liam said

"He sees Allison?" 

"The one he- he killed.." Liam said

"But he hasn't killed Allison"Derek said

"He blames himself" Scott said

"Instead of talking with him, asking what was wrong, i got mad at him. Now i don't even know if he's alive or not" Scott  sighed

"Have you tried following his scent?"Dr.Deaton asked

"We've already tried it but no luck" Ethan said

"The scent leads to woods and then it's just - gone" Malia said.

"Let's go to the woods where the body was found. Maybe he's fallen in a hole and he's unconscious or something" Theo suggested

"That's good idea" Alec said

Scott, Malia, Liam, Lydia along with Jake, Theo, Alec, Peter, Derek,Ethan and Jackson went to woods. 
They were at the place where the body was found. They were going to split up when Jake pointed at the wooden cabin and asked what it was.

"One way to find out is to go inside" Lydia said and walked towards the cabin, so did others. 

Lydia walked inside and saw Isaac,her eyes widened and she ran towards him. She removed the duct tape from his face and called Scott to quickly come inside. 

Isaac was so weak and unable to talk so they brough him to Scott's house. He immediately fell asleep. 
Scott, Lydia, Malia and Liam were downstairs talking about Stiles when Isaac walked downstairs. Chris came out of the kitchen and hugged to Isaac, so did Melissa.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked him

"Yeah, thanks" Isaac said.

"What had happened to you?" Scott asked

"I got kidnapped and was tied up for days. where is Stiles?" Isaac said

"We were going to ask you about Stiles... he's gone missing and the last place he had been was near that cabin where we found you" Lydia said

"Actually... Stiles was in the cabin. He refused to help me" Isaac said and scratched his head

"refused to help you?" Malia asked

"Yeah. he was - weird. and for a minute i thought-" Isaac chuckled

"never mind" Isaac said

"you thought what?"Scott asked him

"Well...I thought - he was nogitsune, you know"

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