- Chillaxing In NYC

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{Let it begin!}

Chapter 1 - Carter

WHAT, YOU MAY ASK, ARE THE BROOKLYN HOUSE MAGICIANS DOING IN NYC? If Sadie was leading the trip, there was only one logical answer. Shopping. [Ow Sadie, that hurt.]

Don't get me wrong, New York was pretty amazing, but less so from a grubby car window, being driven by a hideously ugly dwarf In white underwear. Nevertheless, Sadie was gawking out of the window, and Anubis/Walt was holding her hand. I pulled a face as we pulled up at Madison Avenue, prompting much squealing from the younger girls. I had a feeling that the guys were just as uncomfortable as I was, and we were out of that car in a flash, standing awkwardly while the girls gossiped.

I shuffled my feet and looked at the ground. Sadie nudged me.

"Look lively." she told me, flashing a cheeky grin. I tried to grab her but she laughed and trotted away with e girls. I gave a sigh and set off in pursuit.

It was almost a relief to see the flying horses. Almost. At least it got me out of a makeover.

"Sadie!" I hissed to her, pointing up. She saw what I was looking at and her jaw dropped.

"Flying horses...." she muttered. They were headed off in the direction of the Empire State building. "This could be trouble. I'll tell Walt to watch the kids." She whispered something to him and he groaned, ushering the girls into a clothing superstore. Sadie and I found an alley and called Freak.

Freak had been following Bes' car and he flew down, letting out a piercing cry of "FREEEK!" I winced, rubbing my ears, and got on, followed by Sadie. We took off into the air, nearly falling off at the speed, and I let out a heroic cry of

"Follow that horse!"

[Yes Sadie, It was heroic.... Hey! You're more of a idiot than I am.]

{I apologise for my complete lack of knowledge of New York....}



I WAS CIRCLING AROUND THE EMPIRE STATE ON BLACKJACK, WHEN I heard the piercing cry and nearly fell off my horse. Annabeth and Porkpie laughed, (Porkpie was sort of laughing) and I scowled. We were on a visit to Olympus to discuss the redesigning of the city, and Annabeth had asked me to come. To be honest, I wasn't going to tell her no now that we were dating.

"What do you think that was?" I asked, and it was her turn to frown.

"It sounded like a Gryphon..." she said, and I gulped. Those things were nasty.

Blackjack asked for doughnuts as we landed. I firmly told him no.



IT WASN'T HARD TO FIND THE WINGED HORSES. THEY HAD LANDED JUST beside the Empire State, and they sort of stood out. We landed Freak nearby, and ran towards the horses, stopping whenwe could get a good view. There was a guy and a girl standing there, and the guy was talking to the larger Pegasus, a black one. I frowned, confused. [Oh shut up Carter, it was a first]

The guy grinned. For the first time, I noticed he was handsome, like really handsome. He had shaggy black hair and tabbed skin,with sea blue eyes and a strong build. He radiated power and I wondered if he was a monster. Looks can be deceiving.

They seemed to say goodbye to the horses, who flew away, and they quickly walked into the building. I cast a concealment charm over Carter and I so that they could only see us if they thought about wanting to, and we followed them in. They gave the desk guy some sort of coin, huge and made of what seemed to be gold, and the guy handed them a key card, so we sprinted after them into the elevator. The door was held open for a minute as we moved in, but they didn't seem to notice. The guy inserted the card and... Wait, that couldn't be right... A new button popped up, labeled '600'

The doors closed and the girl looked at the guy. He raised an eyebrow and she nodded, and the guy pulled out a pen.

"Come out! We know you're there!" snapped the girl, and I felt the charm break. We appeared in the elevator. "What do you want with us?!" she asked defensively, and I tried to act brave.

"What are you going to do, stab me with a pen?!" I retorted and the guy looked angry. He clicked the pen and it extended into a metre long, glowing bronze sword.

"Yes actually." He said, but there was a ding as we arrived at our floor. The elevator doors opened, I took a step, and suddenly, i was falling.

All the way down to the pavement below.

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